#10, You Fangirl Over Another Member

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You and Zayn have been together for three months, and he has decided to take you to meet the boys. Zayn knew that you had a celebrity crush on his other band member, so he thought this would be funny.

"Hey boys! This is Y/N!" He introduced you. You smiled and waved shyly.

"Y/N," Zayn spoke to you, "this is Niall, Louis, Liam, and Harry."

You went to shake their hands, but froze in your spot when you got to Harry. He was the one that you had a celebrity crush on; even before you started to date Zayn.

"Eep!" You squealed. "Oh, my gosh! Your Harry Styles! THE Harry Styles! Omg, I can't believe this is happening." You rushed while flalling your arms in the air.

"I take it as I'm your favorite?" He asked in his slow, husky voice. He raised an eyebrow at you, and smirked. That was it. You're done.

You felt dizzy, and then you fainted right then and there. The boys still crack jokes about that to this day.


Louis -your best friend- was downstairs cooking dinner, so you took this time to drown yourself in your guilty pleasure. You locked yourself in your bedroom, and whipped out your laptop.

"Shirtless Niall Horan photos." You whispered to yourself as you typed it into Google. You clicked on the images, and your heart rate picked up by 30%.

"Son of a gun, look at those abs!" You sighed while running a finger down the computer screen. "And the biceps. Oh, don't even get me STARTED on that v-line."

"I know, right?" Someone spoke from behind you. You yelped and shut your laptop so fast, that you probably split the screen in half. "He's just dang sexy.''

"Louis! You scared me!" You placed a hand to your chest; trying to get your heart rate down.

"You know, I can take you to meet him."

Your eyes widened to the size of tennis balls. "Really?"

"Of course not! You'd probably assault him right then and there!"

"True that. True that."

An awkward silence overlapped you two. "So..." You tried. "Do you want to look at more photos?"

He scratched the back of his neck and smirked. "As long as we get to see Harry's, too."

"Y/N, truth or dare?" This is what you and your boyfriend Niall play almost every lazy day.

"Umm... Truth."

"C'mon, Y/N! You pick truth every time!'' Niall whined jokingly. You giggled and repeated your answer. "Okay then. Who is your celebrity crush, other than me?"

You froze at the question. You didn't expect him to ask that; things were about to get awkward. "Umm.. Ahh.. Erm..."

"C'mon! Spit it out!"

"Liam Payne." You said. His expression was one of shock, while your's was one of embarrassment.

"Who?" He asked. It was clear that it took every fibre in his being to not laugh.

You sighed, because once you began to talk about Liam, you could never stop. It was like word vomit.

"Uhh... I like Liam Payne. It's just that he's so cute! He reminds me of a puppy. And with his dimples and rock hard abs, he's just like... Sexy! I don't know, but it's just that his Liamness shines wherever he goes! I just.. He just... He gives me a heart attack because he's so attractive and I start to get feels and then I can't even! I'm just so asdfghjkl!"

By the time you finished your mini rant, Niall had to get up and go to the bathroom, because he would have peed himself if he stayed any longer.

Your brother, Harry called you down for the fifth time to go. You finished up with tying your converse, and you pulled up your sweatpants.

"What took you so long?" He sighed.

"I couldn't decide what to wear, so I chose this last minute." You spoke. He finally cracked a smile, and opened the car door for you.

You two drove towards his new flat. He wanted to show you how it looked because you were an interior designer.

"Is Louis going to be there?" You asked hesitantly. You have always had a huge crush on Louis, and Harry knew that.

"Quite possibly. We do live together after all."

You gasped at the new information, and Harry smirked. "You butt crease! You told me that you lived alone! Now I have to go back and change and put on makeup! Turn the car around!"

"Too late, were here."

You two pulled up at his new flat. It was quite large; but you couldn't bring yourself to admire its beauty. You were flipping out internally. And to make matters worse, Louis saw your car pull up, and decided to come out and welcome you.

"Hey guys!"

Louis went to give Harry a bro- hug. And came towards you smiling. You stopped all movement in your body. You couldn't even breathe!

"Y/N?" He asked while snapping his fingers in front of you. You came back to reality, and screamed. Right. In. His. Face.

"Louis! Hi! Umm... I was just, uhh... Bye!" You spoke fast and turned around ti run away.

You never saw Louis again.


"Ohemgeeeeeh! Liam! Come look at this!"

Liam came running down the stairs, and almost tripped over his own two feet. "Y/N. It's 3:30am. What can you possibly be yelling about at this time?"

"Zayn! He tweeted me back!! Look at this!"

You shoved your phone in his face.

@zaynmalik1d: @y/twitter/n Hey!

Liam sighed while pushing the phone away. "A one worded tweet. That sure is special!"

"It even has an exclamation mark at the end! Look!" You bounced up and down on your feet.

"You know, if you really wanted to meet him, I can always take you tomorrow."

Your heart stopped. You couldn't believe that Liam had said that! He truly was the best boyfriend ever!

"I would love that, Li!" You said ad you kissed him on the cheek.

"You just have to promise not to harm him." He laughed while hugging you.

"No promises."

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