Request For Laura

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"Mommy? Can I play in the sand?" Your almost three year old daughter Zora asked you with a toothy smile. You patted her dark brown head and smiled.

"Sure, just be safe okay?"

"I promise!" She clapped happily while she ran over to the swings in the slightly crowded park. You followed close behind her to make sure that she would not trip and fall.

Zora ran into the sand box, making you wince when she stood up. Her new pink flower dress was half covered in mud and sand. She didn't mind though, so you trued not to.

You smiled as Zora talked to a boy about her age. He pointed to her dress, and she smiled brightly. You could see her lips moving clumsily, almost making out a small 'Thank you.'

"I see that your daughter has made friends with my son." Someone had said behind you. You jumped a little and spun around to be met by a blue eyed stranger. "He's taking a liking to her, I can tell."

"Well, that's Zora for you! I'm her mother, Laura." You stuck out your hand so that the stranger could shake with you. His hand wrapped around yours like it was nothing.

"I'm Niall. That's Rory over there." He had said. You noticed his thick accent. "She's a spitting image of you. Same hair colour and everything."

"You're not from around here, are you?" You asked him. "Your accent gave it away."

Niall smiled down at you. "Yeah. I'm from Ireland."

At that moment, Zora ran back to you with the biggest smile on her face. She held Rory's hand, and giggled like he had said the funniest thing in the world. "Zora said that I was cute!" Rory said out loud. Zora blushed a deep shade of red.

"Rory told me that I was pretty!" She shot back. I wasn't the only one."

Niall picked up his son and smirked down at him. "Can I date Zora, daddy?" Rory asked Niall. Niall threw his head back and laughed.

"As long as it's a double date." He said while looking me in my green eyes. I blushed and smiled.

"Consider it a date."

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