Chapter 6

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"So where are we going?" You asked.

"I don't know. Let's see what's in town." Kirito said.

You walked slowly behind Kirito as you made your way to the town plaza.

Shops lined the streets for what seemed like miles. Food, armor, clothing, potions, crystals and more, was all sold here.

Some shops were in kiosks, while others had small little pieces of there house turned into a goods store.

One guy in particle ran a weaponry shop. He was really tall, black, and very funny in a quirky way. Apparently Kirito damaged his sword doing who knows what.

While his was getting fixed you looked around to see if you could find something since you weren't all that fond of your current sword.

You say a (favorite color) sword with a medium length blade but it was rather wide, (I'm saying this to all my perverts with a dirty mind. Do not take that sword description out of contexts ya nasty.) which is what you preferred. (I'm not helping myself with that last sentence... Oh well.)

However, this sword was perfect for you. You picked it up and it was just the right weight. Heavy enough to put some power behind a swing or jab, and light enough this you could easily hold it. It has small crystals going down the middle of the blade that looked like you could put some of your swordsman magic into it. Your eyes sparkled with excitement at the thought of owning this incredible sword.

"Hey um excuse me how much is this sword?"

"Oh that one? That's around 1,000 coins."

"What I don't have that much money!"
This was outrageous.

"Don't worry (y/n) I got you covered." Kirito offered.

"No this guy is ripping us off. Let's go to another place."

"Ok." He gave in. "Just meet me outside."

"Have a nice day mister shitty business guy." And you walked.

"Kirito I'm leaving with or without you." You yelled into the store.
"Coming coming hold your horses."

"Here you go!" He said with a smile and held out the sword you had wanted in the store.

"Kirito I told you not to get it." You sighed.
"Yeah but even if it was over priced your not gonna find anything better for a while. Go on take it."
You blushed slightly. No one has ever done something so nice.
"No problem now let's go!" He grabbed your hand and ran to who knows where.
You two were laughing and giggling at absolutely nothing but it was fun.

Dare you say you were getting a little too attached to Kirito and quite frankly you were terrified.

Yo I'm back. Kinda.
Idk I had some major writers block with this story but I felt awful since I haven't updated in months. Here's a little something to hold for now until I get more inspired. Sorry frens.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2016 ⏰

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