Snowball Fights With 5SOS- ❄️

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I'm really sorry but I forgot who this was for... Don't kill me pls?
If this one was yours, comment and I'll fix it.
Shoutout to darlingwellbeokay for kicking butt at her athletics competition.


Michael: Snow.

I love it.

I love it so much that when it started settling in the small 'garden' outside mine and Luke's apartment building, I just had to get out there and mess around in it. Only wearing a shirt, obviously. Luke was wrapped up all warm and cosy in about seven various types of clothing, but I wanted to feel the snow. Like, really experience the snow. I wanted to feel it in my skin and get it in my hair.

Maybe that wasn't such a good idea.

You see, Luke and I were frolicking around in the winter wonderland (actually a bit of crappy fake grass in the middle of the car park with a depressing excuse for a garden gnome lying on its back on the top of an upturned bucket), when that stupid gnome knocked me down.

Luke: Uh, Michael, that's not quite how the story went.

Michael: Okay, okay. I slipped. There. I said it. Happy now?

Luke: Wow, being sick sure makes you moody, huh?

Michael: You didn't have to tell them I got sick, you dickhead!!

Luke: And you got sick because...

Michael: I wasn't wearing enough layers. They get it, I'm a human. Not an onion. Now, on with the story.

We came inside, and I was really cold. So I wrapped up in a blanket, Luke brought me hot chocolate and a heating pad for my sore hip. The cocoa was creamy and smooth, but at the bottom there was a little lump of the powder that hadn't quite dissolved yet. I swallowed it anyway. Luke held me tight, kissing my cheek and playing with my now dribbling nose. Call us what you want, I don't even know what we are. Couple, best friends, partners, boyfriends...

We ended up on the floor in a heap playing FIFA. No surprise really. But as Luke massaged my sore skin at the end of the night and brought me tissues the next day when I was too bunged up to talk well, that I had definitely chosen the right day to get hit by that flying gnome.

Luke: Hey, you f-

Michael: Shut up, Luke!

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