Tree Shopping- ❄️

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For @lilycliffordoxo

I was running behind so I got some help from darlingwellbeokay !! I thought she wrote this really well, and I appreciate the offer of help! Please go check out her poems, they're so good!!


Lily's point of view..

It was about three weeks before Christmas, and me and the boys were deciding where we wanted to go to look for Christmas trees. I wanted to go and look in an outdoor shop, while Mikey and Calum wanted to look in the mountains for a natural one. Luke and Ashton didn't really care, they just wanted to start decorating the tree.
"Will you guys please just shut up for one moment?! I never get a say in what we do, it's always lets do this, lets go buy pizza, lets go to sound check! I'm fed up with it!" I finally lashed out after another 35 minutes of heated discussion about the tree. I was getting seriously annoyed with the boys. The boys fell silent as they stared at me, as if in shock. "Thank you! Now, shall we just go and have a look round, and then decide on one we all like, whether it's real, fake, whatever?" I questioned. Calum nodded, so I ran upstairs to my bedroom, grabbing a beanie and some shoes, knowing my coat was downstairs. As I bent down to lace up my shoes I felt a slight bit dizzy, but put it off as just a dizzy spell, everyone gets them, right?

Mikeys point of view...
Lily looked amazing today. She had her wild hair tucked away under a beanie, and she was laughing. God her smile was beautiful. Wait I shouldn't say that. No one knows how I feel about her. Better keep that quiet for a bit longer then.

Lily's point of view...
We had already looked around some of the indoor shops, so we decided to go and look at some of the outdoor ones. I ran ahead, opening the automatic doors with the force ( like seriously who doesn't..) and squealed when I felt someone wrap their hands around my waist. I leaned back into whoever it was, the short bit of running making my head spin.
"Woah, Lily. You okay? You don't look so good all of a sudden?" The person who I could now identify as Luke commented.
"Yeah, I'm okay," I breathed out, "just had a dizzy spell, you know, not eating healthy food over the Christmas period does that to me." I quickly made up a lie to throw the boys off the scent. And luckily, they bought it. Luke unwrapped his hands from around my waist, and bent down in front of me, indicating for me to jump on his back so he could give me a piggyback ride. I did so, my legs tired for a reason I couldn't decipher.

*time skip a couple of hours as they shop for tress and have no success*

We were still looking for trees at this point, and we were all frustrated. I, however, felt a lot lot worse than what I did earlier in the day, and I knew that I would have to tell one of the boys soon. I turned to Mikey, who was walking beside me, and just as I was about to tell him a massive wave of dizziness came over me, filling my vision with black spots. I just remember his concerned shout as I fell to the ground.

Mikeys point of view
"Shit! Lily's just fainted! Shit! What do we do, Ashton?!" I cried, worried for her and myself, as I caught her limp body in my arms. Well she finally fell for me ( I'm literally so sorry, I couldn't resist it🙈). The rest of the boys came running over when they heard me shout. Ashton, being the sensible one he is, told me to keep hold of her until we could find a bench to lay her on until she woke up. Calum kept trying to make eye contact with me, but I wouldn't let him, as I knew I had tears in my eyes from being so scared. We finally found a bench, and I sat on it, laying lily's amazing hair out on my lap, smoothing it through.

Lily's point of view.
I came back to the world, to someone stroking my hair. I groaned, and tried to turn my head away, as I now had a migraine and it wasn't helping.
"Lily, stay still, you fainted about twenty minutes ago, take it easy." I heard Calum say. I slowly peeled open my eyes and noticed Mikey looking down at me with tears filling his beautiful green eyes. He smiled, then brought his hand up to clear his eyes. I suddenly realised that I was laying on his lap, and struggled to get up as quick as possible.
"Guys, err can you leave us for a couple please?" Mikey asked the rest of them sheepishly once I had sat up fully. They turned and walked off, presumably to the car, which left Mikey and I alone. "Lily, before you say anything, I don't care why you fainted, yeah it scared me, but let's forget about that. Let me explain, err.. Well I love you, that's why you were laying on my lap when you woke up, and I was on the verge of crying because of how worried I was. I love you with all my heart Lily, and if you feel the same way, please tell me now, so I can get over my heartbreak now and not later." Mikey mumbled out in a rush, but I heard him. It was a lot to process, but I didn't want to say anything, so I turned to him, and kissed him. The first of many wonderful kisses in our relationship.

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