As Fluffy As My Nose Is Stuffy

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This wasn't requested, but I was reading the comments on "Ashton by Luke" and "Luke by Ashton" again and felt like writing some cute Lashton fluff.


Context: Ash and Luke have a cute house on the edge of town with Malum living opposite. Very gay fluff, not that that's a problem of course. Set in the same universe as "It's All Lies" but a few years down the line.

Ashton's POV:

"Ashtonnnnn!" Luke yelled through the house.

"Yeah?" I called back. I checked the clock. Eleven thirty was just a few minutes away but Luke had only just woken up. I was going to wake him up with breakfast in bed, seeing as some loud birds had disturbed me early this morning.

"Come back to bed! I'm cold and I want cuddles!" His voice was thick like it always was in the morning, but with a sharp edge of some letters being smoothed over into softer sounds where they shouldn't be.

"Just a second, boo!" I giggled internally at the cheesy nickname and finished stirring sugar into my tea before placing it on the tray. Orange juice; check. Cereal; check. Toast; check. Tea; check.

I shuffled quickly down the hallway with the tray and through the door into the master bedroom. Luke was cocooned in the duvet, lying on his side without his head even on the pillow and curled up in a fetal position. Exactly how I left him. "Hey, boo. Sit up," I flicked the light switch with my elbow; Luke whimpered.

"I don't wanna," he croaked pathetically. I put the tray on the floor by the doorway and dived straight for the bed before rearranging myself so that I was spooning him.

"I made you breakfast in beeee-ed!" I tickled his sides and giggled.

"'M not hungry," he burrowed deeper into the mattress. I frowned.

"Luke Hemmings? Not hungry? Bullshit!" I sat up straight. I had expected him to giggle and agree to some cereal but instead he groaned and coughed once. "Are you feeling okay, boo?" I laid back down, wrapping my arms around his waist.


I press the palm of my hand to his forehead gently. "You're warm, boo."

"I feel sick and cold," he muttered. He shifted into his back and we made eye contact. The sky blue of his eyes was looking a tad dull. "B-bathroom?" He sniffed. I held his body close to mine, quilts and all, before lifting him not so graciously from the bed and into the en-suite. When I put him on his feet, he shuffled over and perched on the edge of the bathtub.

I pulled some cough and cold medicine from the shelves and sorted through them as quickly as possible. Eventually finding some suitable looking tablets, I dashed back through the door to fetch the orange juice. "Here," I put two tablets in his slightly open mouth and raised the glass to his lips. Luke gulped at the orange juice ferociously; we sat in silence for a few seconds.

"Toilet..." His face paled considerably. While Luke was coughing, I dragged him over the toilet bowl, into which he coughed up a small amount of stomach acid. "F-fuck..."

"I'd tell you not to swear, but I think I'll let you off just this once."

"Bed now," he slumped against me, sniffing quietly.

"Okay, now you're just ordering me around."

"Now, Ash!" He whined.


"Thanks," he muttered quietly as we returned from a 3 AM puke fest the following morning. We collapsed into bed, Luke lying partially across my own stomach.

"You're welcome, boo. Think you're done for a bit?" I kissed his hand.

"Ugh, yeah. I still feel like rubbish, though!" Luke coughed and sniffed. "Ashy, make it stop!"

"Sorry, Lukey. Do you want to try and sleep now or don't you feel well enough?" I stroked his fringe slowly.

"Not well enough," he choked out, fighting back tears. I felt a drop of warm water land on my shirt and seep through into my skin.

"Don't cry, boo," I pulled him up until we were lying face to face. "Hey, you're okay," I stroked his face. "I love you, Luke."

"I love you too, Ashton."

"Remember that time ages ago when you got sick on tour?"

"Don't remind me of that right now."

I giggled. "Sorry."


"You already said that," I put the tip of my nose on his.

He nuzzled into my face like a cat. "I really mean it though. I don't feel nearly as poorly as I would without you here. I love you so much."

"It's my job to help you out when you're not feeling good, boo. I'd be a terrible life partner if I didn't."

"You think we'll be together for life?" His breath was hot on my neck.

"Yeah. Don't you?" I panicked.

"Yeah. Of course I do. "

"There's not a better way I could think to spend the rest of my days," I kissed his nose as he sniffles again. We lay in comfortable silence for a moment or two.

"Ashton, sit me up, now," there's a sense of urgency in his thick voice. Once Luke is leaning against the headboard, he starts gagging. Before I know it, there's semi-digested cereal on the sheets.

"Lovely," I say sarcastically, patting his back as he retches more. "Done?"


Another few seconds pass. Luke burps and my hands fly to cup under his chin. He spits a tiny amount of liquid into my makeshift container.

"What the hell happened to being done?"

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