Terms Used

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Catspeak: What it means
leaf-fall: autumn; fall season

leaf-bare: winter

newleaf: spring

greenleaf: summer

Twoleg: human

Twoleg nest: house

half-bridge: dock

horseplace: stables

Thunderpath: road

moonhigh: midnight

sunhigh: noon

Silverpelt: the Milky Way/stars

Gathering: a meeting of all four Clans at Fourtrees/the island

Fourtrees: four oak trees that are connected

Nofurs: human

Upwalkers: human

broken half-bridge: broken dock

sunrise: day

heartbeat: split second

moon: month

Carrionplace: A dumpyard in the forest territories

Crowfood: a dead, rotting prey animal; insult

Cutter: the vet

Dirt, as in "make dirt": feces (poop);(Also, the term "making dirt" means pooping)

Fresh-kill: recently killed prey

Greenleaf Twolegplace: resort or camping place for humans in summer

Kittypet: a house cat

Loner: a cat that lives by itself and doesn't defend its territory

Monster: a car/truck/bulldozer/any vehicle

Water-monster: boat

Mothermouth: opening to the Moonstone cave in the forest territories

Rogue: a hostile cat that doesn't have a permanent home and doesn't care about Clan boundaries

Sharing tongues: the act of cats gossiping to each other while grooming each other

Sun-drown-place: the ocean to the west of the Clans' territories

Twoleg kit: a human child

Twolegplace: a town, city, or village where humans live

Quarter moon: one week

Half-moon: two weeks; half a month

Moonrise: the time when the moon rises

Sunup: dawn

Sundown: dusk

Fox-length: one yard

Tail-length: one foot

kitstep/kittenstep: one inch or half inch

Rabbit-length: a foot and a half

Pawstep: six inches (half of a foot)

Tree-length: 40-50 feet

Mouse-length: 2 or 3 inches

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