Alder bark - for toothaches; collected from alder trees in swamps
Beech leaves - carrying herbs; large, broad leaves; grows in soil that is not full of water
Bindweed - fasten sticks to broken legs to keep them in place; has pale white or pink flowers
Blackberry leaves - chewed to a pulp; eases the swelling of bee stings; collected leaves from a thorny blackberry bush; grows almost anywhere
Borage leaves - treats fever and helps nursing queens with milk; chewed and eaten by nursing queens, has small blue or pink star-shaped flowers/hairy leaves
Broom - used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds; are shrubs with small leaves and small yellow flowers; in ThunderClan's forest territory
Burdock root - chewed to a pulp; helps rat bites heal even if they are infected; is tall-stemmed thistle with a sharp smell and dark leaves (a thistle is a flower)
Burnet - traveling herb; has oval-shaped leaves with small flower buds on them; keeps a cat's strength up; found in dry, grassy meadows
Catchweed - stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting a cat's skin; is a plant with fuzzy green balls on long stems; found in hedges and low shrubs
Catmint - treats whitecough and greencough; is a leafy and delicious-smelling plant; rarely found in wild, but found in Twoleg gardens; best to collect late in the day because the dew burns off so it won't rot (evaporated)
Celadine - soothes damaged eyes; is a yellow flower with four petals; its juice is trickled into a cat's eye
Chamomile - strengthens heart and soothes mind; is a traveling herb for strength; is a small white flower with large yellow center; found in Twoleg gardens; eaten
Chervil - for infected wounds and bellyache; chewed to get juice out of leaves; has large leafy fern-like leaves and small white flowers
Chickweed - treats greencough; eaten; is a tall-stemmed plant with almond-shaped leaves
Cob nuts - made into ointments; found near hazel trees in sunny spots; is also known as hazelnut
Cobwebs - slow or stop bleeding; bind broken bones; found everywhere in the forest
Coltsfoot - eases breathing or kitten-cough; leaves chewed into a pulp; heals cracked or sore paw pads; has yellow or white flowers/looks like a dandelion; grows by waterfalls
Comfrey root - repairs broken bones, soothes wounds, soothes wrenched claws, itching, inflammation of stiff joints, stiffness of shoulder when lying in a nest; has large leaves; roots are chewed into a poultice or can be put in a cat's nest; has small flowers which are pink, white, or purple; tangy smell; roots
Daisy leaf - eases aching joints; traveling herb; back pain; dark green, oval-shaped leaves; grow everywhere; chewed into a paste
Dandelion - soothe and heal bee stings; grow almost anywhere; leaves can be chewed; yellow-flowered plant with long, hollow stems
Warriors Encyclopedia
RandomThis book contains herbs, tail signals, fighting techniques, ceremony words, the warrior code, and more! Made by Leopardclaw.