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Toshiro's pov

I burst into the infirmary, still holding onto Kina.
"SOMEONE GET OVER HERE AND HELP HER!!!" I shout at the top of my lungs. The healers turn to me and see the blood dripping onto the floor. They run over to me and gently take Kina from my grasp. They lay her on a bed and start healing her.
"Thank you for saving my friend" a woman's voice comes from behind me. I turn and see a tall, big boobed, strawberry blonde haired woman in soul reaper outfit.
"Oh goodness we haven't even introduced each other yet. I'm Rangiku. And you are??" Rangiku smiles.
"Toshiro...Toshiro Hitsugaya" I answer her. She walks over to Kina and sits on the chair beside her bed. She looks at me and pats her lap.
"Come here Toshiro. We can keep an eye on her." She smiles. I refuse her offer and walk out of the room. I see Orin run pass me and into the infirmary.
"HOW IS MY SISTER!!" He cries out. I walk ahead and return to my room.

Kina's pov

I open my eyes and I am surrounded by people. I sit up and I don't see Toshiro anywhere around me.
"Where is Toshiro??" I ask them.
"He's gone back to his room" Orin answers me. I get out of my bed and before I am pushed back onto the bed, I sprint towards his room. I try to open it and it's locked.
"Toshiro!!" I shout. I bang on the door but there is no response. I sit beside his door and hold Shriymana in my left hand.
"Sirea 94, warmth" I whisper. I feel myself getting warmer and I look up at the door and press my hand against the keyhole.
"I can feel your cold heart calling out for warmth. Sirea 94, warmth" I whisper. I lean my head against the door and shut my eyes.

Toshiro's pov

I slam the door behind me and lock it. I storm over to my desk and I see Kina's drawing is still lying on the desk. I pick it up and rip it in half. I hear someone trying to open my door.
"Toshiro!!" Kina shouts. I sit at my desk and bury my head in between my knees. My entire body goes cold and I shiver slightly.
"I can feel your cold heart calling out for warmth. Sirea 94, warmth" I hear Kina whisper. I see a small fire enter the room and turns to a pink smoke. It surrounds me and I begin to feel warm. I look down at the torn drawing and a tear falls down my face. I quickly wipe it away. I will not allow myself to feel something for her. I need to concentrate on my task ahead. I CANNOT FALL FOR HER!! I slam my hands on the desk and I hear a yelp from outside my door. I open my door and I see Kina sleeping on the ground. I must of scared her...Poor thing.
"No....I cannot fall for her!" I growl to myself.

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