Chapter two

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Sans grumbled, waking up to prodding. "Wha.. What?" He grumbles, turning around from the couch cushion he was sleeping in and to Frisk, tears streaming down her eyes. Sans sat up, startled. "Aw, come on, kiddo, don't cry.." He said, worry layering his voice. Frisk climbed up on the couch he sat in, tightly wrapping her arms around the skeleton boy.
"Hey, hey, it's alright." He muttered, looking at Frisk.
She buried her head into his hoodie, still sobbing between her words.
"Sans.. I'm so.. sorry... I-I.. didn't mean.." She broke off, sobbing harder.
Sans was worried sick at this point, hugging her as she sobbed. Frisk broke away, sniffing as she looked up at Sans.
Her eyes began to water again and she whimpered.
"What's a-matter, anyway?" Sans asked, looking at Frisk.
"Should I tell him? What if he tries to murder me again?" Frisk thought to herself.
"I-I.." Frisk muttered, sniffing, as she looked down.
"I killed him.." She said, quietly. Frisk's voice was layered with regret.
"Woah, bukko, what'd you say?" Sans said, laughing a bit, "You? Killing someone? You're joking!" Frisk shot him a serious glare and he stopped laughing.
"I killed your brother. And you. And Toriel. And Asgore.. An-And.. Eve-Everyone.." She broke down sobbing again.
"It must have been that nightmare.. Poor kid." Sans thought to himself. He embraced Frisk again, "Hey, kid, don't cry. It was just a nightmare is all."
"No, it wasn't! It was real! I killed all of you! Every single monster! Everyone!" Frisk shouted in her mind, shaking with tears as she remembered the blood.
"But.. I.. I restarted... I.." She calmed down a bit, melting in Sans' arms.
"You're okay. We're all here and we're all your buds. You got a bunch of friends to chill with and talk to." He said with a smile. "We love you." Sans muttered, hugging her tight.
"Love.." She muttered.
Sans looked down at her with a small sigh. "I'm glad you got no love, kiddo." He thought quietly to himself. Choosing to discontinue the conversation, Sans changed the subject. "Hey, wanna go get some grub? I'm hungry."
Frisk nodded, wiping away the last of her tears, "Let's go."
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"Is a booth alright?" The tall woman said with an obviously overused smile.
"Yeah." Sans said, his hands tucked into his pockets and his eyes focusing on something far.
Frisk noticed and stared at him for a moment before following the tall woman to their booth. She put two menus on the table and left in a dash.
Sans watched her leave and looked at Frisk.
"So, kiddo, whatcha gonna order?" He asked, tapping on the table.
"Ah, I'm not.. Very hungry." Frisk said with a weak smile.
He smiled, nervously. "Hey kid?"
Frisk looked at him, her bangs falling in her face as soon as she took her eyes off her lap. "Hm?"
Sans froze for a moment, thinking he saw a different face. The same nose, mouth, hair, and cheeks but somehow different. Somehow scary. It felt like he saw the face before.
"Sans?" Frisk asked, tilting her head a bit in confusion.
"I was going to say something, but I forgot." He said, looking away from Frisk.
"Al..right." She said before eyeing the waitress. The woman put some fries on the table and left with a short, unenthusiastic 'enjoy'.
"I should've ordered some. Those look good."
Sans ate some and looked at Frisk, one of his eyes closed as he chomped on the fry. "Ya sure you don't want some, kid?"
Frisk looked at them a snatched one or two before nomming on them. Sans laughed, "That atta girl."
Frisk's face lightened up from when she was prior to eating and she looked up at Sans with a smile. "Can I show you something?"
"Uh, sure." He replied, looking a bit scared for some reason. Frisk took no notice and scooted out of the booth, Sans following behind her. They dashed out (-without paying, of course. That takes too much time) and Frisk walked a bit ahead, going on a grassy path. She stopped at the shore.
"Hey, what's this?" Sans said, looking around.
"I suppose you can call it a hideout or something? It's just a place I like to think at." She replied, sitting down on a flattened batch of grass.
"It's pretty cool." Sans said, stuffing his hands into his pockets and watching the water.
"I thought you'd like it.. Hey, maybe this could be the place we meet up?" Frisk asked, hope tinted in her voice.
"Fine with me. I was getting kinda bored of meeting up at the waterfall, anyway." He replied, grinning as he did.
"Heh. It's cute the kid likes us to hang out all the time. She's really grown attached to me." Sans thought with a final glance at the cheerful Frisk, watching the blue river with a genuine smile.
"And I think I've grown attached to her, too."

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