Chapter five

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Frisk woke up on the couch, the aftermath of the party surrounding her. She tidied up a bit after Sans, the final guest, left but that was about it. She sighed, sitting up right and glancing at the rest of the living room. Frisk got up, leaving an imprint of her sleeping body on the couch, and walked to the kitchen.
"Slept well?" A voice said.
Frisk's eyes immediately darted to a flower pot with a yellow flower in it, grinning.
"Good morning, Flowey." She said, going to the refrigerator.
"You know, you should really reSTart." The flower said with a high but low, echoing-like voice that sent a chill down Frisk's spine.
[ Note: When Flowey does something likE THis it means he's doing that evil voice thing and making his face morph into that evil expression that takes up most of his face which can be angry or a smile. When he does thIS it is the snake-like sneer and black eye thing. It also includes the evil voice thing. Sorry, not good at describing evil flower faces? ]
"No, I like it here- like this." Frisk said, grabbing a carton of milk, "I got my happy ending. I like it like this."
Flowey sighed, "Don't you wonder what would happen if you did it over? What if this time, you spared some monsters and killed the oth-"
Frisk cut him off, "I will never kill again."  She said, turning around and glaring at the flower.
Flowey's face morphed into a horrid, angry one, "DoNt cuT ME ofF." It said, growling a bit.
Frisk just sighed, "We always have this conversation. Every morning. I won't reset, Flowey, and that's my final answer.." She grabbed a box of cereal, putting it next to the bowl, "You know, I keep you here for a reason."
"Enteral torture?"
"No, I want to be friends." Frisk said, dumping some cereal into a bowl.
"You murder me, reset, and now you want to be friends?" Flowey said, narrowing his eyes at Frisk.
"Is this new information to you?" She replied, pouring milk into the bowl. She spilled a bit.
"Ha. Failure." Flowey commented.
Grabbing a paper towel, she replied, "At least I have arms to pour the milk with."
"They're not much use when you spill it all the time." Flowey smirked, knowing he won the argument when Frisk sighed in defeat. She cleaned it up and threw the paper towel away.
"I could kill you in a small moment, you know." Frisk commented as she grabbed her bowl.
"Please do." Flowey said, "It would be better then sitting in this stuPid POt all day."
"-But, I'm going to try my best to be friends with you!" Frisk said, smiling as she looked at Flowey.
"YoU STill doN't unDerSTand, do yOu?" He replied, looking at Frisk with a smirk and big black eyes.
Before Frisk could answer, her phone rung. She shuffled to get it and finally got it, answering the phone and putting it to her ear.
"Hey, kiddo. You busy?" The familiar voice said, nonchalantly as usual.
"Uh.." She glanced at Flowey, ", I'm not busy. What's up?"
Flowey sneered, watching Frisk.
"Oh, I.. uh, was wondering if, erm, you'd like to-"
"Oh, Frisky~! Who are you talking to, baby?" Flowey said in deep male's voice with a flirty tone. He said it loud enough for Sans to hear through the phone.
"Flowey!" Frisk shouted immediately, covering the phone's speaker. Her face a bit tinted from embarrassment, she glared at Flowey, which had a smug smile on his face.
"Oh, you're busy." Sans said, his tone a bit flat, "Sorry for bothering you two."
Frisk took her hand away from the speaker.
"No, no! That's just Flowey." Frisk said, laughing nervously, "You know how he is."
"Heh, it's fine, kid.."
There was silence for a moment.
"So, uh, what where you asking?" Frisk said, glancing at Flowey every now and then.
"I... ah, forget it." Sans said with a chuckle that sounded a bit fake. "I gotta go. See you around, kid." And then he hanged up.
She put the phone on her counter, looking at Flowey.
"He likes you." He said with a smug look, "And you like him, too, don't ya?" Frisk blushed a bit, looking away without a word.
Flowey continued, "Is tHat wHY you wON't reset? Your.. ha! 'LOve' FoR one of THose bOnehEAds?"
Frisk glared at the flower, "You think that's the only reason? I haven't reset in a year now. I don't want to leave this behind.. I won't leave it behind.." Her expression turned into a smile.
"I promise, okay?"
Flowey looked at her, his expression now a puzzled one. "How?" He thought, "How do you stay so hopeful? Entertained?
A/N: Sorry I haven't been posting chapters recently! I've been a bit caught up in school work. Please don't expect a  lot of chapters during the school week! I'll try my best to post a chapter or two every week, though!
Thanks for reading, fellow Sans X Frisk shipper!

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