Chapter six

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"Frisk, I have a question." Sans said, over the loud noises surrounding the human and skeleton. The noises seems to quiet down a bit. Frisk looked at Sans, who wasn't facing her.
"Hm?" She said, her head tilting slightly.
"Why?" Sans said, turning his head to face Frisk. "Why did you kill me?"
Frisk jumped back, looking at her friend's black eye sockets. A black liquid of some type seemed to be dripping out of them, looking like some kind of messed up tears.
Frisk immediately stood up, shaking with fear, "Wh-What? Sans? What are you talk-"
The room went dark.
"YoU KNoW wHaT I Am talkING aBouT." The voice, similar to Flowey's demonic one, echoed.
Frisk jolted awake, clinging onto the white bedsheets below her, her face covered in wet tears. She was shaking violently, her eyes darting around the moonlit room.
Frisk relaxed a bit, realising it was only a nightmare. She sunk into the bed, her chest rising and falling rapidly from the scare. Her eyes began to become heavy again, them slowly falling.
The vibration of her phone the counter next to her startled her, making her breath quicken once again. She looked at her phone and sighed in relief.
Frisk grabbed the orange cellphone,
manoeuvring her hand around a vase of golden flowers. Bringing the cellphone within eye sight of her, she read the text glowing in front of her.
4 messages.
"Huh..?" She muttered, a bit puzzled.
She slid through them.
Papyrus: Human you should come
over!! Sans & I are having a spaghetti feast!!!! sent 5 days ago
"Whoops.." She muttered, "I guess I was too busy to notice my phone buzz."
She continued on the messages.
Undyne: PARTY AT ALPHYS PLACE TONIGHT!! !!🐟🐟🐠🐠 sent 4 days ago
Toriel: Dear child, I have not hear from you in quite a bit now, nor have I received my daily letters. I have decided to visit you in one day. I am very sorry for the short notice!
Sincerely, Toriel ]:) sent 4 days ago
Sans: hey, kid. i haven't seen you around. you ok? sent 3 days ago
Frisk blinked, confused. "How long have I've been sleeping?" She thought, looking at the time on her phone. As Frisk went to stand up, wires pulled at her. Her eyes darted to the box they where attached in and she suddenly gasped in realisation.
She wasn't at her home.
She was in a hospital.
"Sans! Papyrus! Toriel! Undyne! Alphys!" She shouted the names in pure terror. "I must be dreaming again.." She muttered, shaking a bit. Suddenly, the door burst open and light flooded the room. "Are you alright?" The voice said, rushing to Frisk's bed. She looked at the one-eyed monster, fear layering her voice. "Whe-Where are my friends? Where am I?"
She said, shaking violently in fear.
She was cold.
So cold.
But, somehow, sweating bullets.
"Miss, calm down." The doctor said, placing their hands on her bed. "You're in the Dreemurr Hospital. Now, who are your friends? We can call the-"
"No, no, it's fine! I-I can do it.." Frisk laughed nervously. She grabbed her phone and started a group chat with all her friends in it, quickly. She texted one word, 'awake', before putting the phone down. Frisk really didn't want to speak to her friends while the doctors were here, but she wanted them to come. Quickly.
The girl sighed, slouching in the blank bed."Why am I here?"
"You were very ill.." The doctor muttered. "Speaking gibberish in your sleep and sleeping for 6 days straight. Well, I suppose a week, now."
Frisk blinked.
"Am I alright now?"
The doctor went to the cabinets on the other side of the room, grabbing a thermostat. They popped it into Frisk's mouth, and after a while pulling it out.
"Oh, no! It's even worst! You got cooler.. 97 degrees..." They muttered, worried.
"97 degrees is the usual human temperature." Frisk said, looking at the doctor a bit confused.
"You mean, you're not from Hotland?"
Frisk shook her head.
"Then how did you get so hot?"
"When humans are very hot, it means we're sic-"
"I know. I was trying to flirt with you." The doctor said, smiling. Frisk widened her eyes and then looked down, muttering a whoops. The doctor laughed a bit, getting up. "I think you're fine now. Just stay in bed and rest a bit. You may still feel a bit dizzy at times from lack of water, so drink lots of it. Also, try to eat light stuff if you feel a bit on the downside. For now, you can go home."
Frisk squealed in excitement.
"-In a day or so. Get some rest."
Frisk sighed, falling back. The doctor left the room, then shouting in surprise as they were pushed out of the way.
Toriel bursted into the room, holding a box.
"My child! You are finally awake!" She yelled, running to her. She was about to hug Frisk when she remembered that she was hooked up to an IV thing. Instead, she just kissed her cheek.

"Hey, mom." Frisk said, smiling.
"I made you some pie!" Toriel said, her smile wide. "Also, I-"
She was interrupted by Papyrus shouting as he opened the door.
"Human! Human! The great Papyrus has made you spaghetti!" He shouted, running up to Frisk. Sans followed behind him, but more slowly.
"Hey, hey, give the kid some space." He said, loudly, with a chuckle.
"Hi, Papyrus! Hi, Sans!" Frisk said, her face brightening up a bit.
Papyrus hugged her and Frisk winced from his boney arm rubbing against her IV.
"Papyrus, you're hurting her!" Toriel said, a mix of worry and anger in her voice. Papyrus backed up, his eyes a bit wide, and blushing a bit from embarrassment. "I am sorry, human!" He said, looking at Frisk. Frisk smiled, "It's fine."
Sans began walked closer to Frisk's bed, dying to see her. Frisk let out a squeak of surprise as her phone buzzed once again. "aw.." Sans said, looking at Frisk. Frisk stuck out her tongue, mockingly, and grabbed her phone.
"Aw, Undyne and Alphys can't visit." She said, disappointment obvious in her voice. She put the phone down, yawning.
"Oh, my child, are you tired? We must go let you sleep, then. I shall be here tomorrow to take you home." Toriel said.
"No, no, it's fine, I-"
"I'll pick her up for you, Tori. It's fine." Sans interrupted.
Toriel gave Sans a look, but then nodded, as if they were communicating through just those looks and nods.
"Come on, Papyrus. We must get going!"
"But, what about San-"
Toriel interrupted him by whispering.
"Oh.. Oh! Okay, alright, bye Sans!"
And they rushed out.
Sans looked at the door close, a bit flustered. Frisk watched the door close, too, but confused.
"What was that about?" Frisk said, chuckling. Her laughing stopped as she looked at Sans turn her head towards her. For a moment, she thought she saw the same black eyes from her nightmare, turning slowly towards her with those dreaded eyes.
"Hey, kid.." Sans muttered, looking at Frisk.
"You know, you where out for 6 days.." He mumbled, looking down, as he sat on the edge of her hospital bed.
"Yeah, I know.." Frisk said, glumly.
"Tori thought she was gonna to lose you. And.. for a second there.. so did I."
He began to choke on his own words, as if he was about to breakdown crying.
"Sans, I-"
"I thought you where going to die, Frisk!" He said, looking up at Frisk, a tears rolling down his cheekbones. Frisk froze for a moment, surprised, but then grabbed him, embracing the skeleton in a warm hug.
"But I didn't." Frisk said, softly, "I'm still here. I'm okay now.."
Sans hugged her back, holding her tight.
"Sorry, kiddo.." He mumbled.
"I just can't risk losing someone I love."
Frisk hugged him tighter, feeling his warm coat against her body.
"Me either."
Please note that in this story, I skip in time! For example, the chapter prior
to this one ( the Flowey one ) has been 2-3 days before this chapter happened. Some chapters, I will say "The day after the party" or "Yesterday" but, if I don't, it's usually because I skipped a few days or so in time. It's never more then a month- and even then it's pretty rare. In the story, all the characters hang out a lot. That's why Frisk got all those messages within only 5 days. Also, a little side note, Frisk sends Toriel a text message everyday, before she goes to sleep, about her day and how it's been. Toriel calls them letters because, well, it's Toriel.
( but Frisk usually sends them earlier so Toriel thinks she's going sleep earlier, even though in this story Frisk is like 15. Toriel likes when Frisk goes to sleep earlier instead of staying all night like she usually does. )
That's about it.
Thank you for reading this note!

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