Chapter three

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The next day, Frisk sat at their meeting place, looking at the calming waters. She began to think about Sans, but her thoughts were soon interrupted. A person in a dog themed boat came by and looked at Frisk. The person wore a long black cloak and spoke with an odd voice.
"Tra la la. I am the riverman. Or am I the riverwoman...? It doesn't really matter. I love to ride in my boat. Would you care to join me?" The person said, looking at Frisk. She was a tad curious, but she couldn't abandon Sans.
"No, thank you." Frisk said, politely.
The person spoke more, some short words, before rowing away. Frisk watched them leave and continued to look on into the water, watching ripples from the boat slowly go toward her, then break into nothingness. At the sound of a twig beneath one's shoes, Frisk turned around sharply to see the source of the noise.
"Sans?" She said, a bit loud but not yelling.
There was no noise but the water of the river lapping onto the smooth rocks beside it.
"I guess it was just my imagination." Frisk thought to herself, looking back at the water. "Or maybe it was Sans. I mean, he pulled that trick on me multiple times before.. Well, once for him. Three times for me."
Suddenly, fear shot through her like a bullet, first penetrating her flesh before digging inside her, bringing a sharp pain with it. She shakily turned around, horrified of what she felt behind her.
Right in front of her, not even an inch away, was a skeleton.
She shrieked, jumping back, before realising it was just Sans.
Sans looked a bit confused and a bit amused, but didn't say anything before Frisk was settled. Frisk looked back at him, still catching her breath. "Sorry.. I... Didn't..." She sighed for a moment, "I'm still not entirely used to being friends with skeletons, a fish lady, a dinosaur thing, a robot, and a goat."
Frisk silently added to herself, "And having one of them little then an inch away from me."
Sans chuckled, "It's alright, kiddo. I'm not really used to being, uh, friends with a human."
Frisk smiled, but it was a bit forced. "Friends. Is that really all we are?" She let out a small solemn sigh to match her thoughts.
Sans looked at her, "Something wrong?"
Frisk awkwardly looked down, not knowing how to respond. "No, it's fine."
He smiled a bit and wrapped his arm around Frisk's neck, resting his hand on her shoulder. Frisk flinched at his touch at first, feeling the sudden warmth from him.
"Yeah, well, it made be fine, but how are you?" He asked, looking at her tan face.
Frisk looked at him and then tinted up a bit, surprised by how close they where.
"I-I.." She stuttered before her eyes darted to a noise. Sans must of noticed it, too, because he took his arms off her and looked at where the noise was. He stood in a defensive stance, as if he was going to protect Frisk with his life. After a moment or two, Papyrus popped out of the bush, twigs and leaves in his clothes. He held a pair of orange binoculars in his hands.
Sans looked at him and chuckled, "Stalking us, eh?"
"No! I was, uh, observing the human!" Papyrus said, crossing his arms. Sans laughed some more at his response, "Sure you are."
Frisk looked at both of them. "Observing the human?" She said, a small amount of fear in her voice. "How long have you been stalkin- observing me?"
Sans replied this time.
"This is the first time he's watched both of us together. I don't know abo-"
Papyrus interrupted Sans, "Wait..."
Frisk and Sans both looked at Papyrus, waiting him to continue his words.
"Are you two dating?"
Frisk blushed a bit but laughed it off, nervousness rankling her voice as she did. Sans stood where he was, blushing a bit, "Nah.." He said, stuffing his hands into his hoodie harshly. Papyrus could tell there was a bit of sadness in his voice, but he said nothing of it. For once.
"I have to go." Sans randomly said.
And in the blink of an eye he was gone.

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