Chaper-6 ~Operation: Hennica Stylers...

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Jennica was a pro at the guitar. I can tell she was going places with her music. Her curls would get in her face and she's blow them away. "Here use this." I handed her my grey beanie. "Thank you Niall." She smiled and placed it on her head making the curls stay in place. "So Jennica after this want to go and eat at Nando's?"

She bit the corner of her lip while she thought. "Sure but I have to warn you. I never been to Nando's before. We have one in the U.S but its no where near my home town. And Monica doesn't really like for me to eat to many fast food." I look at her as if she's missed out in life all together. "We have to go there now. Hey guys were going to Nando's!!" I yell and go running around the house.


I laugh at Niall's craziness as he runs around the house. I look down at my phone and see a few notifications from some fans. 

[@Little_Dreamerasorus: Your twitcam with @Louis_Tomlinson was hilarious @Jennica_LittlerDreamer plz do mre!] 

[@LittleMonsterDreamer: I hear by ship you with Harry now! @Jennica_LittleDreamer Long live Hennica Stylers!!] 

I blush at that tweet. Those where the two I see and then there was more so I decided to tell the fans about what was going on. 

[@Jennica_LittleDreamer: Hey guys! Glad you liked the twitcam I'll do one again tonight love u guyz!] 

I look up and see Zayn smiling at his phone. "Perrie sent you a lovely something?" I ask with a smirk. "You can say that. So Jennica do you plan on writing the song?" I nod. "Yes. I told the record company that I wanted to write all the songs myself." He smiles and sits down next to me. "No, Jennica is Harry's." Louis says as he runs into the room.

I blush and look down at my sneakers. Everyone gathers up outside and Louis tells me to sit next to him. The last person who comes in was Harry. Luckily for me the only seat left was next to me. He gets in and starts talking to Zayn. "To Nando's!" Niall shouts. I look at Harry from the corner of my eye and bite my lip.

To think two and a half years ago I was looking at him as a poster on a wall and now he was siting right next to me. I was still a little star struck seeing him even though I got to know all the boys pretty well. "Harry, doesn't Jennica's curly hair remind you of curly fries?" Louis asks. I blush as Harry looks over at me. "I guess they do. Louis sit next to me when we get to Nando's." I get the feeling he doesn't like me...I wonder why?

We get to Nando's and I look at the menu. "What's the best thing to eat here?" Niall grins at my question. "Everything." I giggle and look over at Harry and he quickly looks away. Haha caught you staring. "Well Niall order for me I need to go freshen up." I get up and follow the sign that points to the bathroom.

I check my crazy curly hair and pull Niall's beanie back on. I wash my hands and walk back out. "Hello sweetness." I look up and see a creepy looking man. I back up against the wall and ball my hands up in fists. No, don't hit me. He comes up to me and I flinch then run. "Hey!" I look back and run into someone's arms. When I look my eyes go wide. I was staring into Harry's green orbs. Then I felt a rough hand on my shoulder. I flinch and buried my head into Harry's chest....



We were all waiting for Jennica to come back and I was getting annoyed. How dare she make us wait? "No Niall, Jennica isn't going to eat all of that food... Don't give me that look." Liam says to Niall. Niall was about to order everything on the menu for Jennica to try. "But I want her to get the whole Nando's experience." I was getting more annoyed as miss makes you wait took longer in the bathroom. "Harry go check on Jennica the poor girl might have gotten lost." Louis says to me.

Hello Delilah... ~A Harry Styles Fan-Fic~Where stories live. Discover now