Chapter-14 ~Jennica's Birthday Bash...He Told The World

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"Dad why do you want to go to England for my birthday? I thought we were going to have a small family dinner like we do every year." We were on my private jet heading to London. "Because Jennybenny. I want you to go and have fun. A girl only turns 19 once. Besides we can have a that dinner next time." I tap my foot. "But dad what about the bakery?" He places his hand on my leg and chuckles. "Jennica, stop worrying. Now when we get there I want you to relax and enjoy yourself. Tomorrow is your day. The day of your birth." I smile at my dad and sit back.

I was happy to be coming back. I get to see the boys and...most of all Harry. True the long distance relationship was a little sad but exciting as well. I mean when I see him I'm going to... "Jennica, I do have to say this. I won't be staying the entire time. I'll be going back home after your birthday." I frown. "I though you were--" He holds my hand. "I want you to spend some time with your friends. But not to much. I don't want to a grandfather at my prime." I roll my eyes and smirk. "Yes dad I know."  

When we got to the hotel I had on my beanie and sun glasses. It's amazing how something so simple can make you look different. "I'll go check and see if Monica has our rooms ready." I nod and sit down reading some fan fics about me on Wattpad. I get distracted from hearing someone crying. I look around and find a little boy crying. "Hey...what's wrong little guy?" I ask as I kneel in front of him. He looks up at me with big brown eyes and tears running down his face.

"I--I can't find my mummy." My heart goes out for him. I hold out my hand to him. "Come lets go find her. What does she look like?" The little boy wipes his eyes. "Like my mum." I pat his hair. And we head over to the front desk. "Um excuse me, this boy here seems to have lost his mother and I was wondering if you guys can call her or something."

The man behind the desk had looked at me and then the little boy. "Sure thing miss. Just a moment." The little boy had looked up at me as the man behind the desk was calling off for him. "You're a pretty lady." I smile and ruffle his hair. "Thank you. You know in the future I can tell your going to be such a handsome boy." He smiled up at me. "Charlie?" The little boy had ran off and jumped into a tall woman's arms. She looked at me and came over. "Thank you so much for finding my son. He has a habit of walking off without me."  

"It's no problem Ma'am." I look at Charlie. "Remember to stay with your mother." He blushes and looks away. Awe children are so cute. 

I was all settled in my room and decided to text the boys.  

(Niall)~Sorry can't talk at rehearsals. 

(Zayn)~Talk to you later out with Perrie. 

(Liam)~Watching a movie with Danielle. 

(Louis)~I'll talk to you in a little Eleanor and I are out. :) 

(Harry)~Hiiii love, can't chat watching baby Lux :-*

Each boy was busy. I was going to text them that I was here and that we should go watch a movie but each one was busy. "Guess a little twitcam won't hurt." I get my laptop and tweet.  

[@Jennica_LittleDreamer: Hey little dreamers! It's a special day tomorrow! Pancake day!!! Okay I'm joking its my bday! Click my link <3] 

I log on and see I have a few thousand viewers. "Hey guys! I'm super excited to spend my birthday with you guys. But lets see what you guys have to ask me." I scan the questions. "Nutellaqueen17 from Detroit asked, what's one thing you want for your birthday? Good question. I have no clue. I'm not a girl who is use to getting much. But I wouldn't mind getting a new phone case. I think that's what I'll treat myself with tomorrow. Any type I should get?"

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