-+-Love Can Not Be Forced-+-

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Chapter Twenty Four.


Things to lookout for...

(Y/N) = Your Name

(H/C) = Hair Color

(E/C) = Eye Color

(F/C) = Favorite Color

(S/F/C) = Second Favorite Color

[SONG]: If I Die Young (Nightcore)


Whoa. This song! The emotions! How can I survive this? GRRR WHY?! Hope you enjoy even with this song playing. XD Bye! ~Kitty


Your POV

The queen took me back to the bathroom.

"I thought I was ready?" I said.

"Yeah. But we need to make sure that you look perfect for this day. Now, i'll be right back. I forgot to get something." She said and walked out of the room. I sighed and looked down. Suddenly, someone grabbed onto my arm and covered my mouth!

"Shh! Your coming with me!" She said and dragged me out of the bathroom. She was a girl. She had blue and purple hair with blue eyes. I also noticed she was a meif'wa! Her ears and tail were black and white. On her tail there was a white spot that was in a heart shape. I smacked her hand to make her let g of my mouth.

"W-What are you doing?!" I asked. She didn't answer. Suddenly, a group of lu'pine guards noticed us!

"HEY! GET BACK HERE WITH OUR PRINCESS!" Yelled one. I looked back as she ran off still holding onto my arm. A Lu'pine had a bow in it's hand! It shot at the kidnapper. She stopped in her tracks adn let go of my arm. The Lu'pine caught up with us.

"WHAT IS YOU PROBLEM?! Wait....are you okay?" I asked her.

"Y-Yeah! I'm f-fi--" She and clasped to the floor.

"(Y/N)! Do you know this person?" Asked a guard.

"N-No! She just ran off with me when I was in the bathroom." I said.

"Wait...I know her!" Said a guard.

"Who is she?" I asked.

"I-I don't know...but I think she's done something like this before to us." He said.

"(Y/N)! I will escort you to the bathroom." Said a different guard. I nodded.

???'s POV

The guards picked up my fainted body. They rushed down into the dungeons and through me in a cage with a girl. I stayed on the ground. The girl walked over to me and shook me. I opened my eyes slowly.

"A-Are you okay?" Asked the girl.

"Huh? What are you talking about? I'm perfectly fine!" I said struggling to stand up.

"What did you do?" Asked a girl with black hair.

"I-I tried to kidnap (Y/N)..." I said.

"WHAT?! Why did you do that?!" Asked the girl with black hair.

"I know how it feels to be forced...now I should lie down...BECAUSE THOSE STUPID LU'PINE SHOT ME WITH ARROWS!" I shouted and fell to my knees.

"Whoa....are you okay?" Asked a...shirtless person? XD

"Y-Yeah..." I said looking up at the man. Whoa...his chest! And that face! Wow....I must be in heaven... "N-Never been better...."

"Are you sure 'cause..." He started. I groaned and stood up. I punched to wall next to me, making a crack in it.

"THIS IS JUST STUPID! LOVE CAN NOT BE FORCED!" I said. Then I fell to the floor.

"She doesn't make any scene..." Said a guard with blond hair.

"Maybe this has happened before. Maybe she knows (Y/N)? I mean...she did know her name." Said the girl with black hair.


Yup! That's it! kats853 I hope this was what you wanted XD. Hope you enjoyed! Bye! ~Kitty


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