-+-Down In The Dungeon-+-

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[My Fangirling may give spoils for episode 21 and 22 of Attack On Titan] Oh my god...wow....HOLY CRAP THE FEELS ARE REEL!! I hate you Female Titan!! (Yes, I know who the Female Titan is) That was sad when she killed Petra...(Petra is that girl in Squad Levi with the orange hair...? XD) I haven't seen any future episodes so I don't know if my theory is true but, I have a theory!! My theory is that Levi loved Petra. It is so obvious! Like I said, I haven't seen any future episodes after 21 and 22. The way he looked at her dead body... You will know what I mean if you saw the episode. And when her father talked to Levi. Oh god... And no spoils in the comments! Anyways, hope you enjoy! ~Kitty ;-; #NewShipSank (Now I shall ship Levmau!) XD
Your POV
I ran down the stairway on my own. I didn't have a weapon so I didn't really feel safe. I hope that the others will fight those O'kasis guards to come down and help. But I guess it's my time to do stuff on my own. I reached the bottom of the staircase. There was lots of cellars. Chimi and the others weren't in any. What if this journey was a waste? What if they were just playing hide-and-seek in Phoenix Drop and that's why we couldn't fine them? I continued to walk down the hall of cellars. They were all small in size. About ten minutes later I herd a voice:
"Let us go Zane! We don't want to be here!!!" Yelled the voice.
"Yeah! We did nothing!!" Said another.
"Guys...this is my fault..." Said a quieter voice. I ran to where I herd the voices. I suddenly came across a bigger cell with Chimi, Nekoette, Dmitri, and...Charley...?
"G-GUYS!? Are you alright!" I said as I ran up to the cell. Their faces lit up with joy. But Chimi sat in the back.
"Y/N! Your here! Save us!!" Yelled Dmitri.
"How did you get here without Zane seeing you?!" Asked Nekoette.
"Don't worry, I'll find some way to get you guys out," I said. It looked like the cell needed to key to open it.
"Zane has the key! I saw him take it!" Yelled Charley.
"Wow...I was expecting you to flirt with me. Glad you stopped." I said.
"Well uhh..." He began.
"Ugh! I feel so bad...I was the one that Zane was to punish...you should have let him take me." Said Chimi.
"Chimi no! You don't deserve to die! I don't know you that well but I can tell." Said Charley.
"I know...but..." She began. Suddenly, I herd footsteps from behind me. Zane.
"Or you'll what? Call your boyfriend for help?" He asked smirking. I groaned and blushed a bit.
"I'm not some toy! I can do things on my own!" I said. My face turned a slighter shade of pink, "And I don't have a boyfriend..." I mumbled.
"Whatever, I never really expected you to have a boyfriend anyways. I wouldn't understand if you ended up getting with one of them. Besides, your friends will be killed by the end of the day." He said.
"That's it! I can't take you anymore!" I said and ran up to Zane to attack him. He held his sword out to my throat. I stopped quickly and took a step back. What am I going to do? I thought.

Aaron's POV
After I killed the last guard I looked over at the other three to see if they were okay. We were in pretty bad shape. I had cuts and bruises everywhere.
"Everyone alright?" I asked. Everyone was panting.
"Yeah...I think we're all good." Said Laurence. He was breathing heavy and had a scratch under his right eye.
"We should get going. Who knows if Y/N is okay." Said Sierra. We headed down the stairs after I hit the lever. About half way down, I herd the noise of a bow fire. I turned around quickly. I saw that Zane was at the top of the staircase and that he just fired an arrow! The arrow hit Garroth in the arm. He yelled in pain. Everyone turned to face Zane.
"Shoot! I meant to hit....I mean...well, looks like you caught me!" Said Zane. He was smirking.
"Meh, I'll deal with you all later." Said Zane. He grabbed five golden lassos and put us in them. He was really fast so I couldn't defend.

We woke up in a cell three minutes later.
"Damn it!" I herd Garroth say.
"Ugh! We need to get out! Y/N could be in danger." Said Laurence.
"I will make Zane pay! I hate him! I will not hesitate for a second to rip him to shreds!" Said Sierra.
"Can't we like...bend the bars to get out...? No...none of us are that strong." Said Garroth.
"Hmm...maybe if I turn Shadow Knight!" Said Laurence.
"Uhh...that could wok." Said Garroth.
"Wait! You shouldn't go Shadow Knight to much!" Said Sierra,
"But...for Y/N..." Said Laurence.
"No...we can't use that plan." She said. I thought for a minute. Was there a way out?
"Uhh....Zane didn't take our stuff..." Said Laurence.
"Hm? Oh....I guess that's true...maybe he was in a hurry." I said. I got out my sword to see if I could use it for anything. It looked like the cage was being locked by chains with a lock attached to it. I reached my arm through the bars then slashed my sword at the chains to cause them to break. The door flew open and we were free.
"Okay, let's get going," I hesitated, "Garroth? Are you okay?"
"Uh, y-yeah....no....I...don't know." He said. Then he collapsed to the ground.
"GARROTH!" Shouted Sierra.
"Oh no...that arrow must have done something to him. But he'll be okay...I hope..." Said Laurence.
"What do we do?" I asked.
"Not sure... Wait...Aaron! Laurence! Behind you!" Shouted Sierra. I quickly turned my head around. More O'kasis guards! How did they get down here! Maybe Zane let them come down. I started to fight them along with Laurence. Sierra joined in about twenty seconds later. There was about seven guards left. One slashed at me and I fell back. Laurence killed the one that did that.
"Aaron just go help Y/N!" He shouted, "We'll hold them back. Go!"
"Uh, okay!" I siad.  I began to run down the hall. I couldn't find her! Ugh! Where was she?
"That's it!  I can't take you anymore!" Said a voice. It was Y/N! But where was she? I began to search more.

Your POV
Zane was walking up to me. I walked backwards.
"I've wanted to kill you for a Long time." He said, "You should have joined your parents long ago!"
"Shut up!" I yelled.
"Heh, what? Don't you want to see them again? Your beloved family? That I killed?" He asked. Before I knew it tears flooded my face.
"But how? Your weak! Without your friends your useless!" He said.
"Zane....stop....I hate you! You use to love me! You betrayed me! You killed my family!" I shouted.
"Your telling me things I already know." He said. He raised his sword up. "Now, any last words?"
"Please...I love you, (Whoever you chose)." I spoke quietly. (Come on! I had to! XD)
He raised his sword about to strike! But then, he grew quiet and fell over. And that was because Aaron knocked him out! The tears still rolled down my face. I ran up to Aaron and hugged him tight. He hugged back.
"Aaron! Your here! Thank you so much! I was so scared! Zane started taunting me...and....and..." I said. He stroked my hair.
"Shhh....everything is fine now. I am here. I promise I will protect you from now on. I will be your knight." He said. What does he mean?

Oh come on! I had to! I thought it would be cute for him to say that! I know you can protect yourself but I just needed the cuteness! Gah! Hope you enjoyed! Bye! ~Kitty

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