chapter 2

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*Harry's point of view*

I walked out of the unversity and headed to Scarlett's dad's home. I honestly thought the orientation was boring... Half the time, the guy sitting next to me was picking his nose and hiding it beneath the chair.. god bless that chair..

I opened the door to the guest house and immiediatly i heard guitar playing.. I also hear singing.. I thought it was Scarlett listening to music, but, then i began to hear that familiar voice.

Her singing voice was so alike to her normal voice but so different in a beautiful way. I stood there behind the door, mesmorized by the beautiful music playing that was occouring. I didnt want to walk in because surely I would distract her, and she would stop singing.

Every 30 seconds of playing and singing she would stop and do what I thought was writing something down. What made me so interested, was the fact that she knew exactly what would make that song pefect. 

After sitting against the wall, for about 55 minutes , disapointment took over me. I started to think, how come she never told me she could sing and play... I thought we trusted eachother. I thought we told eachother everything.. I thought we would never judge eachother harshly unless it was something reasonable. I thought we were best friends.

I finally walked in. There was an ankward silence and she put her guitar behind her.

"How long have you been standing outside the door?" She asked nervously with red in her cheeks.

"About 55 minutes, long enough to know that you never told me you are and amazing singer and guitar player.." I told her sounding a bit angry.

She stared at the floor with sorrow.

"Im so sorry for not telling you. Its.. Its just that ive always been afraid of people judging me for what I love to do. Before we met, I was bullied and made fun of me because of this. They would get my song book and tear several pages from it and step on them.. my songs were always ruined-" She said tearing up.

"They would just do horrible things to me.. They would chant my lyrics about my favorite colors or how I wanted to be a princess. They would instead turn them around and say that i would make a horrible princess.. that i was too ugly.. Since then i've always been afraid... afraid of what people would do or say to me." She finally said, her eyes filled with tears.. 

I rushed to her and hugged her tightly in my arms. I wiped her tears away.

"Scar lease dont cry. I am so sorry for being mad at you for a stupid and selfish reason. You are extremely talented. Anyone who says otherwise, is most likely jealouse, they envy how talented you are. If anyone says anything bad to you, just tell me... ill beat them up" I said and she let out a giggle.. 

There it was, there was that smile that melted my heart, and that increased my heart rate.

"There it is" I said with a smile.

"What?" She questioned sniffling.

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