chapter 4

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hey guys .. soo im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for the delayed chapter..

I lost an important family member and I had cheer camp and I wrote the chapter long before I went to camp and it got deleted... I later had to rewrite it from memory and that sucked... i will be updating more since ill have more time!!! AND 1000 MOTHER TRUCKING READS?????? IM SEZRIOUSLY HYPERVENTALLATING RIGHT NOW!!!! I WAS HAPPY WHEN I FOUND OUT I HAD JUST 3 READS!!! THANK YOU THANK THANK YOU THANK YOU Thank you guys for making my mood go from crappy to happy .... Hey, that rhymes!!

anyways, here is the next chapter!(:


I woke up to sound of my ring tone.. So much for getting my sweet, and comforting sleep.. I went outside so I wouldn't wake Harry up.

"Hello?" said still kind of not awake.

"Hey Scarlett, this is Ally and I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to the mall today." She asked. I wondered why she would want to go to the mall this early. Either way, I did want to go .. I really did need an updated wardrobe.

"Sure" I replied."But don't you think its a little bit too early to go to the mall?"

"Ermm.. I guess if you count 4:00 pm as early than no." She responded.. HOLY SHIT .. I slept wayyyyy to much .. i guess I was really tired last night.

"Anyways I asked you to go to the mall." She said "And judging by the way you dress i really think you need this trip to the mall."

"Hey do I really dress that bad?" I asked quickly taking offence to her statement. Then I thought about it, I never really had any girl friends I mostly just had Harry considering that the other girls would just look at me really badly for no reason. Harry wasn't much help either considering he was a guy. I mostly just took fashion advice from my self, and by the looks of it, I wasn't much help either.

"Really? Im pretty sure your wardrobe consists of 500 t-shirts and like 3 skinny jeans." She replied. It was scary how accurate she was on guessing at my entire wardrobe.

"You know what? You're right."

"I know I am." She replied sounding all cocky."And I'll pick you up in 30 minutes" I agreed and we both exchanged goodbyes.

I was hungry so I went into the main house to get some breakfast, or some lunch. Hopefully Greg made lunch today he is the best cook ever! He owns a restaurant in the city. I've never been their but I'm pretty sure its delicious.

As soon as I walked in, I saw a little boy watching and I was confused at first but then the little boy turned around and I was extra confused. He had a bowl hair sort of like young justin beiber and he looked about 8 years old.

"Hi I'm victor and I think you're Scarlett, right? My new sister!" He said his hazel eyes filled with joy. My dad soon walked in with the same look as my new "brother" .

"I see you have met Victor, he is your new brother. The government finally gave me the son I've been waiting for," I always knew he wanted a son. As soon as he found out my mum was pregnant with me, he hoped for a boy but then I came out.

"Thats awesome dad, I'm really happy for you,"Part of me was really happy for him, and another part of me was jealous that Victor would get all the attention from Dad that I never had.

I soon saw Harry walk in and Victor lid up. A huge grin appeared on his face. Looks like Harry has made a new friend.

"Harry is the Prank Master he taught me a lot of cool pranks!" He said with enthusiasm. I then shot a glare at Harry. Me and Harry would go on an endless war with pranks. He would pull a bunch of pranks on me all the time. It literally got to the point where I had to have my eyes peeled 24/7. One time he put mayonnaise in he toothpaste container I cannot stand mayonnaise. Another time he put a manakin in my room and since it was dark I almost had a heart attack because I thought it was an alien. I eventually got him back, and started a prank war. Everyone knows I'M THE PRANK QUEEN!

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