chapter 1

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Hello.. I should start of by saying that my name is Scarlett Parker and I am 19 years old. I am an awkward being. I seriously am the definition of awkward. Especially when it comes to guys.


When it comes to guys, i have always been the dumbest person ever. I turn into a stuttering machine. And dont get me started on the word vomit. Dear God..

I once started talking to a really cute guy. Keep in mind cute guys hardly ever talk to me. I couldnt help but word vomit.

I said that penguins were the only birds that could fly and i even said that nemo eventually finds his father in finding nemo. How could I? I had spoiled an amzing movie all because of mr.cute guy over here making me feel like i couldnt control my words.

I literally cant control myself when a guy is staring at me much less talking to me. Cute guys, turning Scarlett Parker into an awkward mess since 1994.

There is only one boy, or guy were not in 3rd grade anymore, who doesnt make me stutter or word vomit or even turn into a complete clutz. That is Harry Edward Styles.

Harry has always been there for me since 2nd ggrade when we met. He is like that older protective brother who you sometimes find annoying but at the end of the day you love him to death. I can honestly say that I would have no friends if Harry was never my friend.

Our mums are the same. Since there both divorced, then you would expect them to have alot in common. They are litterally like best friends in highschool. Sometimes its annoying when they use "cool" lingo thats not even used now but I still love them.

Anne is like my second mother so i basically have two mums. I can walk into Harry's home and she will treat me like family.

One time my mum and Anne and Harry and I went on vacation to hawaii last year. It was amazing! I had the funnest time there.

I still remember when Harry and I first met. It was the summer after 1st grade. He moved into another neighborhood, my neighborhood in Holmes Chapel.


"Hey Scarlett dear, can you get the mail for me out of the mailbox please" My mom asked

"sure ill be right back" I responded.

Out front , there was a boy with curly hair playing football. I ran to the mailbox and opened it. Then all of a sudden the mail came crashing down to the floor.

"Hey, looks like you need help" The boy said as he kneeled down to help me pick up the papers.

"My name's Harry" He said to me

"My name is Scarlett, erm are you new?" I asked noticing he was unfamiliar.

"Yes my mum and I moved here today" Harry explained.

Back to reality


Scince then Harry and I have been the bestest of friends.


"Scarlett Harry is waiting for you outside" My mother called. Today was the day. I was moving to london to live with my father for a while.

My father.. Jeez i havent seen him in forever. My mum divorced him when I was 4. He went through a stage were he was sexually confused. He soon found out he was gay and my mum understood and they divorced.

My mum's reaction wasn't your typicall "i dont want to see you again" reaction. Instead, she understood and thought it was best to divorce. I didn't hate my father for it .

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