Chapter 3: Boardwalk

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Chapter 3: Boardwalk

Finally after Abbie got her phone into her pocket and her bag on her side we walked to the front door. Stepping out into the hot weather is a big change for me.

"We all ready girls?" Cheryl asked us.
I gave her a small smile as I walked towards the car. At times I kind of get nervous around my aunt. I've never grew up around her and she only visited us about three times but other than that it's mainly cards in the mail and short Skype calls.

"Ready." I mumbled under my breath, not exactly for sure if she caught what I said. I had quite a hard time getting the seat belt to click into the buckle thing.
As I was struggling I heard Abbie let out a small chuckle from my left.

"Wanna help your favorite cousin out with her little struggle with a stupid seat belt?" I asked her with a small grin.

"Ugh, Cierra are you ever going to learn how to use a seat belt?" She joked with me. While she leaned over and clicked it in for me.

We drove in the car for about 15 minutes until we came across a huge strip of shopping centers. After a few more buildings passed by we pulled into a crowded parking lot next to a huge Boardwalk. Filled with amusement park rides, a beach, shopping centers, games, food places, cotton candy stands and much, much more. The one thing that caught my eye was the view of the ocean. I also couldn't help notice the giant Ferris wheel that stood before my eyes.

"Hey, you ready to have the best day of your life?" Abbie hit my arm teasingly.

"Ouch! Thanks for hitting my innocent arm." I  yelled at Abbie before turning and opening my door. "And if you mean the best day of my life, you better make sure they have hot fries and this will definitely be proven to be the "best" day of my life." I said back rolling my eyes at her.

I stepped out of the nice and cool cat right into the heat. Good thing I brought sunglasses I thought to my self pulling them out of my mint green side purse. I had gotten this purse from my sister last Christmas but never got a chance to use it. I slid on the pink sunglasses as I walked toward Abbie and my Aunt.

"Girl, where did you get those shades?" Abbie asked staring at me as I was wearing a pair of royal sunglasses. "I think Tilly's but I'm not for sure." I replied. Pink isn't exactly my favorite color but it will have to do.

We headed towards the boardwalk. I'm pretty sure Abbie wanted to ride some rides from the way she was talking about them non-stop. Before Abbie and me could walk towards a ride my aunt stopped in front of us.

"Okay girls listen, I know your seventeen but I don't want you girls to get lost or kidnapped at the worst. I honestly don't know how I would be able to explain that to Cierra's parents. So please stay close with each other." My aunt started saying as she looked us in the eyes. "I'm gonna drive into town and pick up some groceries for tonight, please stay close with each other and have fun! Also don't forget to call me when your ready to be picked up, or if you meet up with any of Abbie's friends and they decide to drive you girls home just give me a call." Cheryl proceed to tell us before Abbie was giving her the look 'I get this already mom.' I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

We both said our okay's and goodbyes to Cheryl as we started to walk towards the cotton candy stand.
"This is my favorite snack to get here!" Abbie told me as she got her wallet out of her purse.

"So are we going to meet up with any of your friends here or?" I trailed off as she smiled at me. I didn't know why she was smiling at me like that but I just looked at her.

"I think a couple of my friends are heading up here tonight, you can meet them if you like." Abbie stated as she handed the guy working at the cotton candy stand a five dollar bill.

"Okay great." I said with a grin on my face. "I was wondering do they have any lemonade stands around here?" I Asked her with a big smile coming across my face.

She rolled her eyes at me as she grabbed my wrist and started to drag me to a small stand next to the Ferris wheel. She took a bite out of her pink cotton candy while dragging me across the board walk.
When we finally reached a small stand called 'Charlie's lemonade' I ordered a medium pink lemonade. I stood there waiting for a few seconds until the guy working the cash register told me it would be three dollars. He gave me a small smile as I handed him three ones.

"Hey, one of my friends texted me she is over by the dart toss, would it be okay if I ran over there and meet you at the Ferris wheel in about half an hour? Abbie asked me with a bit of nervous in her words.

I gave her a smile and nodded my head up and down. She let go of my wrist that she was still gripping on to as she took off running towards the dart toss. I stood there waiting for the lemonade guy to finish pouring my lemonade into a cup. He kept flashing me weird smiles but I shrugged them off.

"You from around here?" The guy pouring the lemonade asked me.

"Actually no I'm not, I'm staying with my aunt and my cousin for the summer while my sister is in London and my mom is back in New York." I told him as watched him put the lid onto the cup.
The guy looked to be around my age.

"That's pretty cool." He said with another one of those creepy smiles. "Was that your cousin that was with you?" He then asked me.

"Yeah, she left to get her friend." I stated as I reached for the lemonade cup that the guy was handing to me.

"We'll have a nice day! And thanks for coming, hope to see you around." He said with a small smile. "Oh and by the way my name is Caden." He said giving me a smirk.

"Yeah you too. And I'm Cierra." I told him before turning around and walked towards the small stairs heading towards the shopping center. I knew I had a little time to spare before I had to meet with Abbie and her Friends so I mine as well look around for a bit.

I walked up the small stairs and walked over to a large map that showed the entire Boardwalk. I looked at it for a few minutes memorizing where I was and where I had to meet Abbie in a half an hour.

I started to turn around when I bumped into a girl. My lemonade went all over both of us.
I looked at the girl covered in pink lemonade.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you coming. I was just turning around. Oh crap! Im so so so sorry!" I rambled on to her as she started to giggle

"Hey, it's okay." She reassured me with a smile. "It's a hot day and I was actually heading to get a glass of lemonade." She just kept giggling. When she stopped she looked at me, "I'm Leah." She said as she put her hand out for me to shake.

"Cierra." I told her with a fake smile. I felt bad that I pretty much just poured my lemonade all over her.

"You new around here? I mean I haven't seen you before." She asked me wiping off some of the lemonade.

"Yeah, I'm staying with my aunt and cousin for the summer." I explained to her while I threw my empty cup of Lemonade into a green trash can standing next to me.

"Oh! That's pretty cool! I was just about to get me some lemonade then ride a few rides if you wanna join me?" Leah asked in a nice tone. Leah seemed like a nice girl, and I did need to make a few friends while I'm here for the summer so I don't see why not.

"Sure! But first where is the closest restroom? I think we should get this lemonade off of us before people give us weird looks." I said as I cracked a smile.

She led us to the closets bathroom to clean up. I knew that I would have a fun day here at the boardwalk.

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