Chapter 24 - "Yo Yo Like Mashed Potato!"

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Kia's P.O.V

You know you're generally in a bad place when you have to sit between your boyfriend's ex girlfriend and your boyfriend during a three hour airplane ride.

I was cramped between Mason and Chelsea on the plane to Florida.

Okay here's my question.

If both Mason and Chelsea are rich, where the fudge are the private jets? Why are we not in first class? I was internally groaning, hoping the three hour flight would be over soon.

Mason was on my right, fuming that Chelsea was even on the same plane as us and Chelsea was on my left feeling awkward, I'm sure not as much as I was feeling awkward sitting between the two.

The rest of the gang was sitting infront and behind us, Hunter and Arianna was behind us, with an old lady telling them about her many trips to Florida to see her many grand children and Damon and Jade was in front of us, with some guy around our age. And across the isle was Kezzy and Julian, with a fat guy sitting between them.

I figured, now's a good time to contact Voice, he might be able to distract me from this three hour tension.

Hey Voice?

My name betch. He replied.

Oh wow, that must be the first time I called and you actually answered. I thought back.

I'm rolling my eyes, and yes, I kind of feel bad that you have to sit through hours of tension between two exes. So sad.

I'm scowling. You're being sarcastic, dimwit.

No sh*t Sherlock. Voice replied in a bored tone.

I decided that Voice was just going to irritate me more throughout this trip.

I tapped my fingers on my knee, as Mason was glaring at Chelsea. "Why are you even on this plane?" He asked.

I looked over at Chelsea, hoping she's ignore him and avoid the pouring gasoline on the situation but she ignored my pleads with my eyes and glared right back at Mason, "None of your business."

I exhaled, "Hey! You know what, I'll go pee and um, you guys can work out your issues." I began unbuckling my seat belt with haste.

"You're making my girlfriend uncomfortable." Mason growled at her, leaning over my seat, pushing me back down.

"Okay not going to pee." I muttered, clearly being ignored.

Chelsea leaned over to face Mason, "she never said she was, maybe you're making her uncomfortable."

I winced as Mason gripped the arm rest between us.

"You're both making me uncomfortable! God, stop acting like you're 7 instead of 17! I know 7 year olds that are more mature than you two! Now, I'm going to pee, and when I get back and you two are still arguing, I'm having that fat guy over there switch seats with me." I pointed to the fat guy that was passed out between Kezzy and Julian, then got up and stomped my way to the bathroom.

When I got back from the bathroom, both Mason and Chelsea were consumed in their phones. Good enough

I took my seat and popped my earphones in, closing my eyes, I drifted off into a deep sleep.

•••• (A/N: this is Dottiesha, Thotiesha, Sholanda and Sharkiesha)

I was being shook violently and I didn't like it one bit. I opened my eyes and glared at Mason, "What the fudge is wrong with you?!" I hissed at him.

He gave me a bored look, "We've landed. Get up." I rolled my eyes and got up, getting my carry on off the plane.


"COME HARDER JUST BECAUSE!" Kezzy sang into the brush, I came beside her with my curling iron, "I DONT LIKE IT, LIKE IT TOO SOFT!"

Jade and Ariana came out the bathroom, Jade's brush still in her hair and Ariana's toothbrush hanging out her mouth, "UH HUH, SEE ME IN THE SPOTLIGHT, OH IM LOVING YOUR STYLE."


Julian, Hunter and Damon along with Mason pushed themselves through the door, "GIVE IT TOO ME IM WORTH IT!"

I dropped my curling iron, "you weren't invited. Get out." I pointed at the door. Their faces fell and I felt a tad bad. But they should know better than to intrude on a girl's time when she's getting ready.

They grumbled but shuffled out the room.

Tonight we were going to a beach party that was literally a block away.

Mason being rich and all, we were staying at a two story beach house that was right on the beach, like walk out and there's the beach.

It was beautiful.

From the looks of it the boys were already dressed but the four of us still had to bathe, curl our hair, do our make up AND find something to wear.


A knock came on the door as I was getting ready to bathe.

I walked over, "Yo yo like mash potato. Wassup?" I peeked outside to see Chelsea standing there looking awkward.

"Um, hi." She waved.

I looked down the hall, "who let you in?"

She smiled sheepishly, "Mason. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come. I'll go." She stared walking away.

I grabbed her arm, "no wait, why did you come?"

She bit her lip, "I heard there was a party, but I don't have anyone to go with. My cousins are all out of town and my sister doesn't come until tomorrow. I was just wondering is I can go with you."

I smiled, "of course. I don't hold a grudge. Come in, make yourself at home, we still have to get ready though." I tugged her in the room and wandered into the bathroom area.

Jade came out and smiled at her, "Hey girl! Cute shirt!" I smiled as I slipped into the bathroom.


By 8 o'clock, we were officially ready. All of us sporting denim shorts with either a muscle tee or a plaid shirt over our bikini tops.

Chelsea was the only one wearing a shirt and we didn't want her to feel left out so I lent her one of my plaid shirts.

Jade, Kezzy and I were in muscle tees and Chelsea along with Ariana was wearing the plaid shirts.

"Thank you guys for letting me come with you. I know I haven't been the nicest person but thank you." Chelsea said, then proceeded to hug me.

I grinned and hugged her back.

I still had my guard up around her. Who knows, she might try some cute shît with one of the boys. Or even worse. Mason.

"Come on. We're already late!" Ariana yelled and ran out the room.

I shook my head at her energy.

She was always so hype about parties.


Yo yo mash potato!

This is just a filler for the partyyyyyyy!!
Who's excited?!

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Thank you so much for all your support!

No one followed the Instagram though 😞😕😕😕😕

Love you guys 💜😌👑

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