Chapter 17 - Edited

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*Edited January 16, 2018. (First published November 8, 2015)

I'm not sure how long we had been huddling in the cold, damp cave as we waited for Lucas to arrive with news of whether or not it was safe to continue. We had made it halfway to the valley and were now stuck here until we were given the go-ahead that the path was clear for us to move on. Sure the number of undead scouts had grown thinner this way, but we couldn't afford to let even one spot us.

This was why Lucas and Michael had both agreed that the best plan was to wait things out here while Lucas went around to other spots and planted a few false trails leading in random directions. After he returned or 3 weeks had passed, we were to carefully continue onwards towards home. Three weeks would be just enough time to allow him to make a few trails far away from where we waited and still get back to join us for the return home.

If nothing happened to delay him, that is. If he had failed to return in time, we were to continue as before but with me and Daniel both working to destroy the trails we made as much as we could. We wouldn't be able to trust in the belief that he would show up to erase the rest of the trail for us since him not returning could mean he didn't make it.


As what turned out to be the eighteenth day ended, the majority of the group went to sleep, most huddling close together for what little extra warmth they could gain in the chill of the rock walls around them. Luckily, we didn't have to leave the cave for fresh water, a small pool of dripping water in the back of the cave providing us with what we needed, so long as we boiled it first to remove any impurities.

The problem we faced right now was food supplies. Supplies were starting to run low a bit sooner than expected, not having been able to gather as much as we usually would have from the forest since we had been in more of a hurry than we normally are. Also, with the changing of seasons, the fruits we usually found in large quantities were no longer available and the fallen leaves helped to hide the root vegetables from sight.

It didn't help that the moisture had gotten to a packet of food that had been punctured at some point by accident, the food rotten by the time it had been found out. At least it had been discovered before it had spread to too much of the other food, but we had still lost a few days worth of rations.

This was why I planned to go out this night and search for food. Since I was whatever it is I am, I could go out and have less chance of being found. I didn't need a light to see in the dark, I didn't need to breathe so wouldn't make as much sound as I snuck about the woods and I didn't need to worry about the cold making me sick.

The hard part would be sneaking past Daniel and whoever was set for guard duty tonight. Although if I was caught, I could always try to talk my way past them. If I could just make them see things my way, I am sure they would let me do this. After all, the living need to eat to survive and if I wanted to stay strong enough to be useful, I needed to eat once in a while as well.

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