Chapter 18 - Edited

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*Edited January 16, 2018. (First published November 17, 2015)

I'd barely managed to make it past them, almost swearing that Daniel had spotted me until he turned and walked away, leaving me wondering if he knew I was there or not. I couldn't afford to wait and ponder that thought for long though, carefully making my way into the darkened woods that surrounded the cave's entrance. The smell of rotting, wet leaves filled the air as I crept as far from the cave as I dared, hesitantly making my way across a partially rotten log bridging the river I had come upon.

Beginning my search, I knelt down and started running my hands through the piles of fallen leaves and pine needles that layered the ground here, feeling for hidden signs of foragable food I had learned about. I spent hours gathering mushrooms, tubers, nuts and even some small apples I had found growing wild on the way back, anything that was edible. It was less than I had been hoping for, but was enough for us to stretch our food rations out for a few more days If we were careful.

Hopefully, I would be able to find more after we had moved on in a few days, although if Lucas was back by then he would be able to help as well, laying traps at night. I made a promise to myself at that moment, as soon as I could I would learn to hunt and trap like him, a skill that I realized in this situation just how valuable it was when so many of the food sources I had become used to were so scarce and hard to find.

I was extra careful to have covered any tracks I made that night, glad that I had at least learned that much from Lucas before he left on his mission nearly 3 weeks ago.


Nobody asked where the food came from, silently accepting it as a part of their rations with little more than gratefulness in their eyes. Well, almost nobody, Daniel and Michael's eyes almost burning a hole in the back of my head as I did my best to ignore them. I kept myself busy eating my own small share of food, less than a quarter of what everyone else ate but still enough to keep my strength up in case something happened.

The day before we were due to leave the cave, there was still no sign of Lucas showing up, people mumbling worriedly to each other as they packed all their belongings up but what they would need during the night and the early morning. Even Michael looked concerned about the missing tracker, his worried brown eyes often glancing towards the entrance as though he expected Lucas to step inside at any moment.

To be honest, I was feeling the same myself, pacing about the cave for a while before stopping to stare at the branches we'd set up to block what the bushes and vines didn't naturally hide. It was only after everyone was settled down for a restless night that I finally made my way to the entrance, once more making my way carefully outside, although without bothering to hide it this time. With little more than a quick glance and a frown, Michael turned back to Daniel and continued going over his map, planning the route we would be taking back tomorrow.

It was nearly dawn before I began making my way back, small sack almost half filled with whatever I could find that would fill our bellies, mostly root vegetables this time along with a few more handfuls of nuts. At least they would keep for a while, allowing us to stretch them out more than fruit and mushrooms usually would.

Taking care to hide any tracks I left, I slowly made my way to the cave. The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon when I was pushed quickly to the ground from behind, a hand covering my mouth as I saw a shuffling figure out of the corner of my eyes. A familiar voice whispered in my ear as the hand was slowly eased away from my lips.

"Shh... Don't move. The blasted thing stayed behind when all the rest left. We can't afford to kill it either or they'll know we were here. Once it moves on, we'll head to the cave and get everyone out and on the way home." I could hear the weariness in his voice as Lucas settled beside me, eyes following the undead like a hawk as it wandered about the area.

Carefully, I reached down an pulled a ration bar from my pocket that I had been holding on to for just in case, a habit that was actually encouraged in case any of us got lost during the journey to help our chance of survival. Handing it silently to the man beside me, I could see the gratitude in his eyes. Even I could see that he'd likely not had a chance to eat much in his rush to get back before we left for home.

"It's good to have you back, Lucas. Everyone was worried about you, especially Michael." My soft whisper barely reached his ears, his head turning as he looked at me with a toothy grin on his face.

"It's good to be back. Hmm... Ya know, it's beyond time someone thought of a name to call you. Can't keep calling ya 'hey you' after all. So, what you wanna be called? Cause if you don't think of something, I will." I could tell by the mischievous look in his dark-brown eyes, he wanted to be the one to name me.


"Come on Sabira, don't look at me like that. It's a good name."

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