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The corner's of Wyatt's eyes crinkled as he cackled at Elizabeth, "You've got to be joking!"

Elizabeth lowered her eyes slightly at the raven-haired boy and grinned wickedly. Not long ago the pair had both been asked to clean and polish the decks of the Miss Mary Jane, and that is what they were doing. Well, a terrible job of it. She drew the bucket back, and thrust it forward, soaking Wyatt in the salty water. He shook his hair like a wet dog, spraying Elizabeth, and they both fell back, laughing louder than before.

They had started out with mops and sponges, until Wyatt once again teased his fellow 'cabin boy' for being so feminine, and she splashed a few drops of water on him. But, as all things do, it escalated to buckets. 

"A fine day you chose for a fight like this."

It seemed that their expressed content had caught the attention of the other pirates. Rhys smiled down at the two youths, and then looked up to the sky, his eyes squinting in the sunlight. He was right. There was not a single cloud in sight, and it looked like Elizabeth's pale, unmarked skin would either fizzle in a lobster-burn, or glow in a golden hue today. 

"Don't you 'ave something else to do?" Wyatt eyed Rhys quizzically. On such a fine day as this, the water would be too calm for any of the pirates to be dreadfully busy, and Wyatt knew that. He was just curious as to why he was outside in the sun. It was unusual for the caramel-locked man. 

"Nah. I'll catch you around." Rhys turned on his heel, and lifted his fore-finger and thumb, aiming them at Wyatt, and mock-shot him, whilst adding an additional sound-effect. He then left as abruptly as he had arrived. 

The truth behind it is that Rhys and Wyatt are brothers. Wyatt being just a few years younger than his brother. Despite both of them being pirates, they still behave in the way that all brothers should. Whilst being fond of each-other, they also keep that certain distance that most siblings share. Upon the two weeks that Elizabeth had spent on this ship she had come to notice that the brother's love was always shared in silence. They would speak to each-other wordlessly, only the surface of their conversations were spoken aloud. Such is the tie of siblings that Elizabeth couldn't help but envy.

The pair of teenagers got up and started to clear the deck. The job they'd been asked to do had backfired completely. It was only when Wyatt bent over to pick up the bucket that Elizabeth had noticed a flash of light from his pocket, from a ring.

"Say, Wyatt.. what's that?" Elizabeth widened her eyes to show she meant no harm in the question. The boy looked slightly taken aback.

"Aye, this? 'Jes a little something I came across recently." He smiled at his friend and helped her carry the stuff inside, it was nearly time for evening rations and they'd both have to help out Marzio, the exotic, shiny-haired, cook that was brawling with Rhys the first time they met. Elizabeth had yet to talk to this man directly, but she feared doing so, as only two days ago she couldn't help but notice that he had a hook for a hand.

Later that evening, the sky had dimmed and the heavens opened. It appeared that the gentle weather had not lasted long. On her way down from the poop deck, to her cabin, she felt someone tap her on the shoulder. Elizabeth turned around to come face-to-face with (yet again), Wyatt. 

"The Cap'n wants to see you in 'is quarters."

"Do I get a choice?"

"No," Wyatt couldn't help but smile at Elizabeth's stubborn manners. 

Elizabeth frowned, pulling her eyebrows together. It seemed that her first visit into Silver's room was overdue. She patted her one friend on the shoulder as she accepted her fate. Turning down the corridor, she marched up to the door she had once encountered upon her first time on the Mary Jane when she was lost. Before she had a chance to knock however, a low growl emanated from the other side, "Come in."

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