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Shawn's P.O.V
Im just walking around the stage and still thinking about the girl looks like. I don't know what she did until my sister agree with that. Actually my sister has higher expectation than me. So,bc of that she always buys something like stuff with high quality. I hate her when we are in the mall.

After I walking around, I just stopped by a big mirror that show my face. And then I walk to the mirror and try to fix my hair and my clothes. There isn't something wrong with it. But I don't know why I still fix it. To be honest when I saw her in a photo,I was feeling something. It was strange. Like I wanna jumping, screaming and freaking out. Have you guys feel what I feel? Then I try to google it. I type like this

"A variety of different feelings, states and attitudes that ranges from interpersonal affection"

Yeah its need long time because In this stage, there isn't a signal for connect with internet. Actually there's a signal but it needs long time for connect. I wait for 1,5 minutes and then it appear. With the first word.. it called LOVE.

Tay marie's P.O.V

That girl's walking in front of me. I don't know where's my aim. Bc I don't know that so, I just in her back walking through the road when the sun didn't on my head again. Im so happy with that. After 2 minutes we didn't talk, finally she talks to me.

Hey! Are you tired? To be honest im so tired now..

Are you? Oh okay we have to find a restaurant where you can sleep or maybe if you hungry, you can eat either.

No, its fine. Im just wanna sharing what I feel. Btwy my name's Aaliyah Mendes, whats your?

Oh okay. I'll be here if you need help. My name is Taylor Marie. You can call me Tay or Marie. My family always call me Tay, btwy it just my suggest.

So, do you know where're we going? I mean where're our aim?

Hm.. I don't know. Its gonna be so far, right?

No, its not true. We just need 1 minutes until you can meet my brother. Nah.... Here we are.

I arrive at Walt Disney Concert Hall LA. This place's really huge. Just famous singer or choosen people can perform in here. Im curious whats I have to do in here, then I ask to Aaliyah about this.

Aaliyah, can I ask you something?

Yeah of course. What is it?

Im just curious about what things that I have to do in here.

No, don't do anything. You just need my brother, that's all. Okay? Im sorry if your journey with me doesn't good as you expect.

Okay. Oh no definitely not. You absolutely kind to me. seriously, youre so polite even you still 12 years old.

Aw.. thanks okay lets go!

And then I follow her to enter this building. Its really huge and many stuff that related with music like speaker. If I see stuff like that I just want to sing. Btwy I think my place isn't here for that. I love this place and they're so many crew. I think there'll be huge concert in here.

Come tay! Just open this door, you can meet my brother.

Hold on aal! I can't believe this. I can enter this hall. Haha .. okay okay I'll enter it. Btwy where are you going?

Hm... my mum just text me that I have to back to Toronto. She said I have to go home because there're some score that I have to fix it in my school. So, I have to leave you sorry, I have told my brother. So, he knows that im not with you again. Okay bye! Have fun!


Just few minutes aaliyah gone, and then with my bravery I open that door. The sound's door doesn't good actually. Its like open old cupboard. And then there's someone whos sitting on the chair with guitar and sing a song. Im curious so, i enter that room. And it's a boy, he looks good but I don't know why he's staring at me like that. Just 15 seconds I stare at him.. and then he said something

Hey! Im shawn. Whats up?..

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