chapter 4

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The school grounds are crowded with hundreds of students trying to get into the school's auditorium. Josue manages to squeeze into the auditorium. Josue, seeing Malcolm standing in the back, stands in the back of the crowd with him watching over the event. "why are we here?" Malcolm glances at him. "It's a job rally and Jill and Claire are here to speak about the blood bank." Josue looks around for anybody else they know.

"can you check and see if the others are here i don't see them." Malcolm begins to scan the crowd but stops when he senses a void thought. "We may have a problem." Josue raises an eyebrow at Malcolm but then an explosion happens in distance. The main crowd of high school students start running away from the stage. Josue looks towards the stage then back at Malcolm. "Find out if Claire and Jill are okay, I'm gonna try and find who did this." Malcolm nods and begins to focus. 'what happened?' Backstage Claire and Jill are surrounded by void eruptions, random warps in reality that instantly suck things into the void and distorted flames. Claire's hair gets grabbed from one of the eruptions and then she is slammed to the ground by a cloaked masked figure. "Claire!!!" Jill raises her hand and lasers get shot from multiple directions in the air, but void ruptures open up absorbing most of the lasers with a few still hitting their target. Jill runs to Claire and upon seeing her unconscious, picks her up. "Malcolm we need help." Malcolm gets the message and flies over to them as Josue sees this and begins heading towards the stage. They arrive at the same time, but as they do more void ruptures appear and more masked warriors come out of them. Josue recognizes them and Jill begins blasting them, but it's clear she's more worried about Claire to focus on anything else. "Guards." Josue looks at Claire wondering how she got hurt. "She'll be fine Jill focus more on fighting them." As the guards get blasted the holes in their cloaks reveal a bottomless void in them that suck even light before repairing the coat. More guards begin to appear wearing even stranger mask designs and sport medals and shoulder pads. Josue recognizing the captains then grabs Jill and Malcolm's shoulder. "Jill you're useless in this fight right now and Malcolm you protect them if you guys get followed." Malcolm nods and Josue teleports them away. Josue slides his hands into his pocket before teleporting his cloak on himself since he's wearing a school uniform, then feels a box of cigarettes and a coin in his school pants pockets. "Oh i still have these huh." The void guards are hesitant to strike as they recognize the coat. Josue pulls out a cigarette from his pocket, puts it in his mouth, then lights it with a small energy orb on the tip of his finger. After exhaling some smoke he turns to the guards. "what do you guys think, I mean I think i look cool but my friends all disagree." A void eruption happens right behind him and a guard captain flies at him but Josue dodges the captain and before the captain can get past him Josue slams his foot down on the captain's back. Josue then pulls out the coin ,one half gold, one half silver from his pocket as the other guards get ready to pounce on him. "Gold you live to go back and torture those people in the void, silver you all die by my feet." Josue flips the coin in the air and all of the void guards jump after him with void eruptions surrounding him. Josue's eyes turn into their negative form ,both of his iris turning square and full on purple, then as the coin comes down to the ground his leg begins to glow purple with a black outline. Josue kicks the coin and it impacts and ricochets off all the guards before they even get close to him. Josue catches the coin in a closed palm, then opens his palm. "silver." Josue then channels some of his power into his cigarette making it glow black then throws it into a void eruption causing them to stop happening. His eyes return to normal and just as he begins walking out of the building his phone vibrates. HEY ARE YOU OKAY -KIM. Josue smiles at the text. OF COURSE DON'T WORRY SO MUCH :P-JOSUE. Josue puts his phone away and walks out of the event. Josue's phone rings again so he pulls his phone back out without checking the number and answers. "It's so annoying when you have people on your team who can take supernovas with ease, yet can be knocked unconscious in the dumbest of ways, i can't be the only one annoyed by this, right Kim?" A man is shown playing with a wired phone cord on the other end. "This isn't Kim, Josue." Josue instantly recognizes the voice. "Oh then what can i do you for you, death?" Later that day back at minute incorporated, Lucas is shown watching the footage of the after school event. There's one giant monitor in the center of the room with two smaller ones on either side of his desk showing two silhouettes. "I don't see it, what about you guys?" The two silhouetted men are shown shaking their heads at his question. The one on the right is the man Lucas was talking to earlier, the one on the left is new. "I don't know what he's thinking he looks ridiculous with that cigarette." The man on the left nods as Lucas goes back to looking at the robots blueprints. "Just wait till Kim finds out she'll straighten this out, but it looks like our time of peace has made him soft, he won't prove the same challenge he was before but next time I'm sure he'll be back to his old self." Lucas and the other man nod but then the man on the left continues. "that aside, this is a problem now he has three other people with him at what looks like all times." Lucas looks up from the blueprints. "Isn't that what i'm building these things for, to distract them while i steal the objects?" Both the silhouettes nod. The man on the right signs out suddenly. "Well Lucas if you need help i'm around." "I know tom good night." Tom signs off and Lucas looks back down to the blueprints.

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