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Max pov

I'm so much pain right now I can't think anymore. I could cry but I never cry about this. It realy hurt to think someone else could be like Troy. I got out the shower and I got dressed. I laid in my bed thinking of so many things that Troy said and Sofia. I couldn't take the heartbreak anymore so I got out the pocket knife I always had. And cut my wrist. This is how I would deal with all my pain when I was with Troy it helped I in a way. I let the blood drip to the ground for a long 10min. I got up with the knife in my hand. I put the knife in the bathroom and went to the kitchen. I got the first aid kit. I bandaged my wrist and went to my room. When I got there I saw Prod looking at the blood

Me:what you want (low voice but loud enough for him to hear)

He turned to me. He looked kinda mad and disappointed at me.

Prod:Max why is there blood on the floor

Me:just a paper cut

Prod:I know your lieing(walking up to her)

Me:if I am what you gonna do

Prod:Max please if there's anything wrong just tell me

Me:there is absolutely nothing wrong(at the verge of tears) of course there's something wrong Prod. My life is a whole screw up. Where am I heading in life if I keep going back and forth. I mean she's emotionally scaring and abusing me. Why can't she just except me for me(crying)


I walked over to him and he hugged me as I cried in his chest. I realy don't know about life anymore. I just wanna end mine. After an hour or so I stopped crying. I cleaned the blood on the floor and hid the knife so he doesn't know I've been doing self harm to myself. I went to my closet and put all my papers back in the box but put it in a different place. First thing on the to-do list is get locks on my doors in the cleans secret passage. I got in bed and Prod came in with ice cream for 2. We sat and ate the ice cream while watching Expandables. I finished the ice cream cause it was my favourite flavour.

Prod:thanks for finishing it

Me:your welcome(puts spoon in mouth)

Prod:(looks at arm) that must be some sharp paper

Me:can we not talk about it please

Prod:ok can I see the cut

Me:no why you asking so many questions(walks in bathroom)

Prod:I just wanted to see the cut

Me:well no you can't(getting out)

Prod:why you getting mad

Me:I'm not getting mad. I just hate life right now. I don't know what to feel anymore about life(standing infront of bed)

Prod:Max come here(pats side)

Me:(sits) what

Prod:whenever life is not looking up for you always look for the positive. Like how you have great friends and great auntie and uncle. And how you have me. Always look for the positive in life like that. I love you and don't let other people tell you otherwise.

Me:I love you too. And I will look for the positive in every situation.

Prod:that's my girl

He leaned and kissed me. I kissed him. I sat on him and kissed I him passionately. I his hands slipped from my waist to my ass. I pulled away and bit my lip at him.



I kissed him again and bit his bottom lip. He asked for access and I granted it. I pulled away when I heard a door knock

Prod:uggg when it was getting good

I stood up and opened the door. Sofia was at the door. When I saw her I immidiatly slammed the door in her face and walked back to the bed

Prod:who was that

Me:no one important

Prod:you sure


The door knocked again and I turned around. I opened the door and saw Marlin and Sofia

Me:auntie you can come in and her she can stay out here

Marlin:actually Sofia came to apologize

Me:I'm not in the forgiving mood right now why don't you try another time

Marlin:ok see you tomorrow

She walked away and I closed the door.

Me:how about next time when I'm dead(mumbles )

Prod:heard you

Me:truth hurts so bad so yea

I got in bed and laid my head on Prod's chest. I listened to his heartbeat and feel asleep. I am never gonna forgive Sofia just like Troy. I don't know how to feel about her but on thing for sure I'm not gonna forgive her that easy. I've suffered too much in my life

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