Friend or Foe? ( one direction)

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  • Dedicated to faith austin

Georgia is a normal 14-year-old girl, who in skinny and not fat, just in the middle.  When None other than Niall Horan constantly bullies her at school. What will happen when he goes on the x factor and Georgia moves on and meets her new best friend Chloe?

 I ran into my room after the bus had dropped me off at my house.  I flopped on my bed with tears streaming down my face. I rolled over and grabbed my headphones and iPod; I strolled down to the ‘mine’ playlist. Most of the songs were in Japanese from the amines’ I watched. Otakus forever!      I guess the reason I like those songs so much is because I do not understand what they are saying.  Therefore, I will not be able to hear the hurtful words that I receive everyday from the preps at school and the exchange student from England. Niall horan... he instantly became one of the preps and jocks, as soon as he arrived at our school. I soon fell asleep on my messy bed wishing I would not have to ever wake up again.

Chapter one: 

Georgia’s pov

My sister yelling at me “get the fuck up” rudely waked me upYou going to be late” she threw a pillow am my face. I quickly sat up and looked at the clock, it was 6:55. “Shit!” I jumped out of bed and threw on a t-shirt and shorts. I quickly brushed my semi long blonde wavy hair. I ran into the living room, slid on my flip-flops, and grabbed my purse as soon as the big yellow bus bulled up in front of my driveway. I ran outside after the bus that had already started moving. Thankfully the bus driver stopped do I could get on. I gave her a quick thank you and took my regular seat near the back, but not that far back. The back was where Niall always sat, so I tried to stay away from him. I sat my purse next to me so that the seat was full. I pulled out the book I was currently reading divergent. I got about one chapter read before Niall had to throw something at my head. I ignored it and continued to read, but before I could get lost in the book, Niall had to sit next to me. “Hey fat ass!” he exclaimed with a smirk on his face. I tried to ignore him as best as I could before he grabbed my wrist with great force.  “Don’t ignore me. Answer me or you’ll regret it!” he gripped my wrist tighter with a bright smile on his face.  I looked into his eyes with pure hatred and jerked my wrist away. “Look Niall, don’t you have something better to do than talk to a fat ass like me?”  I huffed “your right, why don’t I just beat you up instead?” he slammed my head against the metal of the window a couple of times making me gasp in pain. The banging stopped, I thought it was over. I looked over to see if Niall was gone but I was greeted with a fist to my jaw. Causing me to cry out in pain. He walked to the back of the bus high- fiveing the other jerks and whores who sat in the back of the bus.


I walked into the school building, keeping my eyes down. I could hear whispers of insults and rumors swarming around the hallways. I tried to ignore them and headed down to the band room to get my backpack. Band was the only class I could release my stress. Sure, I was made fun of in there too but I zoned them out with the music. When I opened the band room doors, there stood Niall with a smirk on his face. I put my head down and made my way to the instrument room where I located my pack pack. I turned around to see Niall standing right in front of me. I tried to slide past him, but he slammed his arm in front of me, pushing me in a corner.  I looked in to his eyes giving him a glare. His eyes remain on mine while he pounded his fist into my stomach. I groveled over in pain, grabbing my stomach with a thud. He began to thrust his foot into my side with great force, causing me to scream out in pain. This continued until the bell rang and Niall had to get to basketball practice. I lay there, crying silently in pain. I slowly got to my knees and got to my feet. I stumbled out of the band room and limped towards the bathroom down the hall.  The bathrooms were small; it had two stalls and one sink. The school was poor. I walked over to the mirror to see that Niall had not really done any damage to my face, so I made sure the bruised on my sides and stomach were no visible. The bell rang for break; I grabbed my bag and went to my second period, drivers Ed.  The rest of the day went by fast. I got off the bus at my house. I walked into the living room and set my bag down under the hooks. “I’m home!” I yelled to my mom across the house.  I walked into my room and lay down on my bed to think. That was never good when I had time to just think. I sat up and reached for my computer.  I logged onto fan fiction and went to my library to see how many people had read my stories. (Yes, I have a fanfic!) I clicked on my soul eater fanfic and no change. I shut my computer and plugged in my music, and sat there listening to evanescence and a day to remember. “Georgia” my mom yelled from the kitchen. “Yeah?” I sat up.”

            “Come take your meformin!” mom yelled back. I stood up and walked into the kitchen. I opened up the pantry and grabbed a granola bar. I sat on the counter opening the small bar and took a bite out of it.

               Well I guess I should spill a little. I am insulin resistant; insulin separates the fat from the good stiff in stuff I eat or drink. Well my body makes too much of it so it doesn’t know what to do with it so it all goes to the fat side and my body continues to make more. Therefore, if I do not take my medicine, I gain a lot! That also means if I do not at something every 3-4 hours my blood sugar will drop, sooo you get the picture.

                I finished my granola bar and took my metformin. I returned to my room and turned on my music, it was not long until sleep came, and took me away.


sorry about the technical stuff, it's for the future chappies.. so please tell me what you think :)

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