The Hypocrite

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Thoughts around time of publishing - There are some people out there who just like to make your life horrible.


I took Freya through the long hallways and lead her to the guest rooms. I stopped outside her doorway, and playing the perfect gentleman, opened the door for her.

She swayed past me and surveyed the room.

"Nice," she said, taking in the dark wood floor, and the matching furniture. She walked over to the bed, and ran her hand over the fur throw. "I'm impressed, your mother remembered what I like, though I loath to sleep alone," she said. "All that traveling has made me feel horrid," she complained, and pulled her black dress off over her head.

She let it drop to the floor and settled into one hip, her arms crossed. She looked at me with her green eyes and I stared her down, keeping my position by the door.

After a few seconds she sighed, tossed her red hair over her shoulder, and walked towards the bathroom wearing nothing but black lace and high heels.

"Pass me my robe," she demanded.

Is she really trying to humiliate me? I thought. Was she trying to treat me like a slave?

I realized I was wrong when an actual slave walked past me into the room, carrying one of her bags. He smoothly extracted her dark green silk kimono, and walked over to her.

She held out her arms expectantly, and he put it on her.

I recognized what her was pretty quickly. Six-foot two, tanned, muscular, confident grey eyes and longer hair that gave him a wild look... He was a succubus - what other kind of slave would she have?

His fingers danced over her skin as he settled it round her shoulders, his hand skimming her waste and he fastened it.

She glanced slyly over her shoulder at me and my jaw tensed.

She was flaunting the fact that she could have a companion by her side, but I couldn't. Her hypocrisy disgusted me.

"Do you need anything else, darling?" I asked, the word tasting vile in my mouth.

"No, I think I'm ok," she said.

I left the room immediately, closing the door behind me. Her sister was hanging around in the corridor outside, and ran off as soon as she saw me.

She was different from the last time I'd seen her - unlike two years ago her clothes now mirrored her elder sisters.

I shook my head, I just didn't see why she was so popular.

The house seemed oddly empty, and I went upstairs to think.

Pacing impatiently up and down my room I tried to think of a solution.

The best way to make sure Evelyn wouldn't get hurt was to make sure I didn't put her in a position where she could be taken advantage of. And the only way I could guarantee that such a situation didn't arise was if she stayed here and I went to the Gaithering alone.

I ran my hand through my hair and, try as I might, this was the only fail-safe way that I could think of to keep her from being harmed.

I glanced at the window, it had taken me a long time to find that simple answer, and it was growing dark outside already. My mother liked to retreat to her room to rest in the evenings, so I headed off to find her and tell her of the change in plans.

I stopped outside the large wooden doors, took a deep breath preparing myself, and knocked.

There was no reply. After another try I pushed the door open.

She wasn't in the bedroom part, but I could hear her speaking softly in the connected room that served as her closet, though it was bigger than my bedroom.

She must be choosing her clothes for the Gaithering, I thought, and headed over.

"Mother, I need to talk to you..." I said as I rounded the corner to find my mother with Evelyn.

My mother was pouring over hair pieces and jewelry she had scattered over a dressing table, and Evelyn was in a long slim silvery dress.

Evelyn's back was to me, and my eyes were drawn to her. The back of her dress wasn't done up, the unlaced part reaching from her neck to her waist. It had more of an effect than Freya had on me - just seeing her standing there took my breath away.

"Hi darling," my mother greeted me, still rummaging around the tangled mess of beads, chains and pendants. She let out a triumphant laugh. "Found it!" she exclaimed, jumping up with a string of pale pink pearls.

She glided over to Evelyn, and tightened the ribbons up on the dress, tightening them into a bow, and draped the necklace around her neck.

She held Evelyn at arm's length and looked her over, gave her a little twirl and clapped her hands together happily.

"There, you look so beautiful!" she cried, and pulled Evelyn in a hug. She was hidden from view for a moment behind my mother's long blond curls, but then she was released. My mother placed a quick kiss on her forehead, and hurried back to the wardrobe to find another dress.

Wide eyed, both of Evelyn's hands flew to tough the red stain left behind, a stunned look of surprise on her face, and I wondered about her own parents.

"I haven't been able to see enough of you two recently - I've had so many things to organize," my mother pouted, several more dresses draped across her arm. "That's why I've been looking forward to the Gaithering. We'll finally have some time to spend together, I feel like I've been forgotten about!" she complained as she walked up to me. She pulled my forehead down and gave me a greeting kiss too. "It'll be nice to have some time to relax."

She turned back to Evelyn, "this was something I ordered a long time ago," she said excitedly. "It was kind of impulse, and it just doesn't suit my figure. Go and try it on," she told her, ushering her towards the folding panels that served as a changing room.

Evelyn made her way over there, swaying slightly, her vision impaired by the mountainous piles of petticoats and skirts, and my mother turned to me, her curls flying as she did so.

"I'm sorry dear, you had something to talk about. What was it?" she asked me.

I shook my head, it looked like this wasn't going to work, I doubt id be able to persuade my mother to leave Evelyn behind.

"I was just wondering if I needed to keep the 11th clear," I told her. "There nothing scheduled for that day, because of the main ceremony, but someone will probably through some sort of party."

She huffed, "I guess I can let you can have the evening, but we will defiantly be having a birthday meal for you, so keep some time free." She told me.

I nodded.

Evelyn came out, this time her dress a light pink, roses everywhere, and billowing skirts. On her way over she tripped on the petticoats, and I rushed to catch her.

"I'd say this is too long for her mum," I complained. "She can't even walk in it."

She rolled her eyes childishly. "Not if she wears a good pair of heals."


"Heals can fix anything," she told me.

"Well you won't be fixing my problems with them," I retorted.

She laughed, "but you'll be there to catch her if she falls, so it won't be a problem in the end," she said fondly.

And all I could think was, what if I'm not?


Another chapter done... this one was hard, seriously, and I apologize for the wait, but I found myself unable to write last night.

Seeing as the mother is pretty popular I gave her a something to do this time, and I hope you liked it.

Soooo, anyone got an ominous feeling?

Please vote, and I'll try to update again today - did you know we're #609 in vampire?!

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