Slave and Master

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Thought around time of publishing - I've realized I'm living on sweets and sleep deprivation



"Do you realize you're grinning like an idiot?" Abby snapped at me as I arrived.

I looked at her and sighed, I swear she was wearing even less cloths than Freya normally did. I mean, it was a surprisingly sunny day, especially when compared to yesterday's downpour, but it wasn't exactly warm.

She narrowed her eyes as she continued to glare at me. "Not all of us have things to smile about you know," she told me in a huff.

I shook my head, "What on earth has gotten into you?" I asked, but she just clicked her tongue and stormed away from me down the corridor.

She used to be so different - a quiet, subdued, person who kept to them self and liked it that way. She used to wear jumpers, jeans and converse, and try everything she could to differentiate herself from Freya as much as was possible.

We were called inside and spent an hour being lectured on our duties, followed by an hour long lecture on the changes we'd experience after the ritual was completed in four days time. Then we had a further hour of being lectured about trade, economic growth and development.

All of the topics were ones that everyone should had already learned about from their tutors back home, but there were a number of blank faces around the room.

I must admit that I wasn't paying much attention to the lesson myself - I was distracted as it was, and found myself observing the other royals in the room instead.

Though Abby's style had changed her personality hadn't changed as much as I'd thought. Though she sat with her legs crossed lazily over each other, she sat alone at the front, making no attempt to socialize, and was probably the only one in the room who was actually paying attention and listened the lecturer the whole time. Meanwhile the other kids in the room whispered to each other or messed about on their phones, I think a few of them were actually asleep.

Theo, unsurprisingly, was busy smooth-talking the girl who was sat next to him. Making her snicker and giggle at whatever he was saying. I think it was some sort of game to him, seeing how many girls he could woo in the two weeks we were here. The game had another name though, one given to it by the other royal boys who were jealous of his looks and charm - the 'how many girls can he get slapped by' game.

As boring as the lecture was, there was one small advantage to it. Those who had already become newlings didn't have to attend, meaning Freya was blissfully absent.

The droning middle aged werewolf finally finished and people started to get up stiffly and file out of the room. No matter how luxurious they made the seats, they still hurt after three hours of unbroken sitting.

I was just about to leave the room when my phone went off, the song 'cannibal' breaking through the silence of the quiet room. Automatically every heads turned in my direction and a lot of people laughed.

"Shoot," I muttered as I rummaged through my bag looking for my phone, half of me really not wanting to find it because there was only one person who that ring tone belonged to.

Theo sauntered up to me, chuckling in amusement.

"I set that ring tone for you the last time we were here two years ago, I'm surprised you didn't change it," he laughed. "What's your future queen want?"

"Oh shut up," I told him, still looking for the stupid phone. I finally found it, just in time for it to stop ringing. I sighed in relief and put it in my pocket, not really wanting to answer the call anyway.

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