Chapter 3

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Shelley twirled in a black denim dress as she grinned widely.

"This is pretty cute for the date!" She said to her reflection in the mirror.

"Yes, sure," Savannah replied without looking up from her phone.

Shelley was busy trying on dresses and Savannah was engrossed typing into her phone. As for me, I planned to go to the library near my house, but after I was made the scapegoat for my friend, my mood had plummeted into a dark ditch. Truthfully, I didn't even want to be here watching Shelley try dresses for a date that I did not even want to think about but, unfortunately, we don't always get what we want. I sighed deeply, my mind backtracking to what happened a little while ago.

"With Alyssa." Jace had seemed skeptical.

Savannah, with a sparkle in her eye, nodded. "Yes, you said you didn't want to go to alone with Shelley so let's set up a double-date."

"Dude," Kevin suddenly clapped his hand over Jace' shoulder. "You should do it. This might be your chance to..." He trailed off.

"To what?" I asked curiously.

Jace waved his hand. "To nothing. I'm not going."

"You really should! Besides, this is the chance for me to find Alyssa a boyfriend. And you and Shelley being there would be great to see who will be good for her." Savannah explained, shrugging her shoulders.

Jace started to protest, but before he could, Kevin cut him off. "He'll do it."

"I really don't need a boyfriend." I intercepted.

Shelley shook her head. "You do."

"I," I sighed in frustration. Why was I being roped into something I didn't want to do?

Jace cleared his throat loudly. "Fine."

"I'm going back home." I stated monotonously before getting up from Shelley's desk chair.

Savannah and Shelley turned to look at me, sporting similar expressions of concern. I wasn't really annoyed by them, but it did bother me somewhat. I had never thought that I would be forced to go on a date because it would help my friend get the guy she likes.

"Are you upset about the date?" Shelley asked hesitantly.

I shook my head. "No, it's fine."

"I know you're upset, and I understand that you feel like you're being forced to do this for my sake. I'm really sorry that this is happening." She hung her head in distress.

"Shelley, it's fine I promise. Yes, I'm a little worried about this, but I'm doing this for my friend so it's alright." I said, smiling slightly.

A slow smile took over her face, and in the blink of an eye, she was clapping her hands like a child who just got something they've wanted for months.

"I'm so, so grateful for you!" She gushed.

I chuckled. "Anyone would be."

"Show off!" Savannah threw a pillow at my head.

And before we knew it, the afternoon blended into evening and it was time for me to go home. I bid goodbye to Shelley before Savannah and I started in my car. Savannah lived close to me, so we often carpooled together, that and also, her brother didn't let her use their car too much. In his defense, her driving skills were not so good, I mean if you want to almost die every time you get in a car with her then yes, she's a cool driver.

My house was a small, cute villa with pretty lamps hanging on the either side of the main door. It was something that I, the interior queen, had set up with my elder sister. In front of the house, we had a encased herb garden that my mom loved to grow. The garage was on the other side.

I rang the doorbell without stopping because I'm just that obnoxious.

"How many times do I have to say to not ring the bell so much?" Aimee, my elder sister appeared looking disheveled.

I shrugged, grinning toothily. "I dunno."

I walked inside, tossing my shoes haphazardly (I knew I was going to get scolded for this) and walked myself right over to the kitchen. Aimee was making spaghetti it seemed. Maybe this day wasn't entirely bad after all.

*  *  *

Yesterday, I agreed to go on a date that I didn't want and today, I forgot to study for a test. This is an absolute disaster, a mess that even Satan would not make.

"It's okay, Lyssa," Bella, a redhead girl who sat next to me in Biology, patted my shoulder sympathetically.

I sniffled softly. "I hate not studying beforehand."

Thankfully, the pop quiz we had today wasn't entirely out of my mind's reach. I had poured over the chapter in the weekend so there was still hope for me, though it wasn't much.

After class, Savannah was waiting for me outside my classroom and together we walked towards my car. Fortunately, school was over for today which meant I could finally go to the library and get my hands over some new books. Just the thought of reading new books made me shiver in glee. I was hoping to find something Asian to read, preferably something translated from Korean.

"Hey, guys!" A sudden weight appeared on my shoulders as Shelley, looking all chirpy, wrapped her arms around Savannah and my shoulders.

"So, guess what we're doing today?!"

Savannah and I shared a look. Nothing good it seems.

"We're going to give me a makeover!"

I won't be going to the library. Again. Have I finally landed in hell?

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