The Orchid and The Honeysuckle

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Two flowers-

broken free of their branches,

find they have escaped.

Floating free down the stream

that has brought them together,

by chances of fate.

No reason for their vibrancy

as no reason is needed.

They are free.

Though different, they are the same.

Not in color nor shape nor size-

but rather, in essence, beauty and grace.

Each exemplifying life

with its many ups and downs;

that comes with choices they make,

for they are free.

They are expected to choose the softest current

as they have escaped their roots;

the roots that some felt kept them on the ground

but they saw as chains.

They sought a way.

Now they are free.

They choose the rapids fiercest.

They are not to be expected.


Their pedals withstand the wind,

withstand the touch of strangers,

 withstand all but themselves.

Only they may cause themselves harm.

Now and again, they do.

On raging rapids and bursting winds.

For neither can risk the safer path.

Two flowers.

Different in knowledge.

Different in understanding.

Different in wisdom.

The same in their hearts.

The same in their strengths.

The same in their thoughts.

The orchid and the honeysuckle.

Different fabric weaves their outside.

However, inside glass is as a mirror.

As each sees they are a reflection perfect of the other.

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