Shades of Love

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When I first felt it, it was white.
White because it was pure.
Nothing had been aloud near to it,
Nothing had given it depth.

I felt it next, discovering it was yellow,
Yellow because it was warm.
It was welcoming and alive,
Raw with an eagerness I did not understand.

Yellow turned to red,
Red because it burned with passion.
It was smoldering and dangerous,
But it was mine and I did not fear it.

My heart broke when it turned black.
It was black because my heart was broken.
Burned and abandoned,
Coated in shadows,
Afraid to stand within the light.

Now it is grey,
Because it can never again be white,
The black has stained its being,
The black has tainted my mind.
Though it shall never again be pure,
It will one day again just be.

I know this, because it is no longer black.

It is grey.

So I was having a random contest with my best friend (mentioned in She is Fire) and we were challenging each other in off the top of your head poems. One round involved learning to love again. This is an extended version of my improve poem from that round. I loved the concept so much I had to do something with it. Though I still feel it is a bit choppy, so I'll probably revise later, but I had to get it out there while it was still fresh in my mind. Hope you like the concept, I'll have a more thorough version of it up soon :)

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