Chapter 16

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ok so change of plans so I know I said in chapter 10 that the pattern would be Chapters 1-9: Adelaide, Chapter 10: Dallen, Chapters 11-19: Adelaide, Chapter 20: Dallen, but lol I changed my mind, with the way that chapter 15 turned out I've changed it up, the tens will still stay the same so chapter 20 will also be in Dallen's POV but I will also be adding some extra POVs for him whenever I feel like it


"Cady! Get your ass up!" Was my lovely wake up call. It was Sage at my front door, or rather, Sage opening my front door and waking not only me up but dad and Nicole too.

I sat up in my bed, squeezing my eyes shut and pausing to see how bad my hangover would be this time. A few seconds passed and I felt nothing but a little tired. Huh.

It took me a moment to remember that I hadn't had anything to drink last night. I held the heels of my hands to my eyes, confused. Why did I decide not to drink? I always drank. It was my thing. So what was different about last night's party?

I heard loud footsteps up the stairs and not a second later my door was shoved open. Light flooded my room as I dropped my hands and looked up to see Sage. She was dressed in workout pants and a sports bra. She wasn't sweaty yet so I assumed she was about to go for a run.

Right behind her I saw Rowan. He had his dark sunglasses on and was leaning against my doorframe. The corner of my mouth twitched upward. He was definitely hungover.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked, leaning back against my headboard.

Sage's eyebrows furrowed. "You're not hungover."

I shook my head, sliding out of bed. "I didn't drink last night."

"That's a first," Rowan grumbled and I shrugged.

"You're right. I don't remember why I didn't drink though." I pulled my shirt off and switched it with a clean one.

Suddenly Finley appeared in the doorway. "You told me you didn't want to drink. You didn't say why, but I'm pretty sure I can guess why."

"Oh do tell, oh wise one." Sage said, glancing back at him. "Typically I'm the only one sober and I take you guys out for coffee and ice cream the next morning. Now Rowan's the only hungover one. What's the deal?"

"The twins." Finley answered, giving me a look. "The Williams twins."

I grimaced, remembering that they had been there last night. Because Finley had a crush on Abbey and he so conveniently invited Adelaide just to see her sister. I knew he liked Abbey but he also knew that I didn't like Adelaide and yet he invited her right in front of me. What a great best friend.

"Abbey and Adelaide?" Sage asked. "Really? Why?"

"Finley has a crush on Abbey." I said, tying on some converse. "So he invited Adelaide, knowing her sister would come too."

Sage smirked, meeting Finley's unabashed gaze. He was never one to shy away from a girl he liked and he was never one too embarrassed to admit it. "Oh really? Are they identical? I only met Adelaide I think."

I shook my head, answering quickly before Finley could even open his mouth. "No. Fraternal twins."

The three of them turned to me. Rowan looked uninterested with his sunglasses covering his eyes, Sage curious, and Finley looking at me as if he knew something I didn't. "What?" I asked. "It's true. They don't look alike. Well I mean, they're sisters so obviously they look similar but they're not identical."

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