Chapter 6

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Fifth and sixth period flew by faster than I thought they would. I guess it helps having your sister with you. We walked out of sixth period together, both of us looking forward to going home and telling our parents about our first day when I got called to the office.

And sent to detention. For an hour.

I'd been confused but Abbey's disappointed look reminded me of how I was kicked out of class. She said she'd come pick me up later after it was over and I sighed, dragging my feet as I found room 234, detention hall.

And guess who was there listening to his music with his feet propped up on the desk? Yup.

Dallen Cady.

I scowled the minute I walked in, dropping my bag by the door and sitting by the window, as far away from him as possible. He barely glanced at me before resuming the tapping of his fingers to the beat of the music I could hear blasting through his headphones.

I was glad he was ignoring me. I didn't want to get in any more trouble than I already was.

I laid my head on the desk, closing my eyes. To my surprise, I was exhausted. Who knew one day of school could take so much out of me? Or maybe it was the three fights I'd had with Dallen this morning. I guess that could take a lot out of you too.

Next thing I knew, a wad of paper hit my head and I tensed up. Soft laughter followed. Rolling my eyes, I bit my lip and held back the fowl words that danced on the tip of my tongue.

It continued like that for a few moments, each time aggravating me more and more until finally, one of the paper wads got stuck in my hair and I snapped. My head shot up and I glared daggers at him, my tone harsh.

"Would you stop?!" I spat at him. He seemed startled, his eyes wide. A moment or two passed and amusement eventually sparked it's way into his green eyes and I noticed, unfortunately, that the teacher holding the detention, had walked in.

He had a disapproving look on his face as he glared at me. I immediately recoiled, pressing my back against the wall, my eyebrows furrowing.

"Ms. Williams," he began in a booming and condescending voice. "In detention, students, do not speak to one another, understand?"

I nodded, my eyes wide and snicker sounded from Dallen. I glared at him just as the teacher snapped at him as well. "Mr. Cady, earphones out, now."

He rolled his green eyes dramatically, dropping his earbuds loudly against the surface of the desk. The teacher took a seat at the desk, propping his feet up against it and interlacing his fingers.

"Alright. It's just the three of us for an hour." He stated, his loud voice making me cringe. I'd hate to be in his class, listening to that everyday.

"If I may," Dallen began and I groaned. He even had his hand raised. "I was just about to ask, Ms. Williams a question."

Ms. Williams? Who did he think he was? I scowled in his direction and the teacher rolled his eyes. "Fine but no more talking after that."

Dallen then turned his green eyes to me. "So princess," my eyebrows shot up. "How are you getting home after this?"

"Why the hell do you want to know?" I snapped back.

"Ms. Williams," the teacher responded, his voice loud. "We have a strict policy of no dirty language."

I resisted rolling my eyes. "Fine. Why do you want to know?" I corrected myself.

Dallen smirked, dropping his head onto his hand. "Just curious. Are you going to answer?"

This time I did roll my eyes, quite dramatically I might add. "My sister's picking me up in her car later." I responded in a bland tone.

"Oh, hope you don't get into a car crash or anything." He snickered, turning back to the front of the room as a cold and distant feeling washed over me.

"What?" I asked softly, my voice hollow. "What did you just say to me?"

Dallen turned back to me, his eyebrows raised. "Did you not hear me, Princess? Would you like me to repeat myself?"

I stared back at him, confused as to how I felt and how I probably should've felt in that instant. I figure it shouldn't have mattered, that it was just something that a stupid, clueless boy said. But when it came to me, it always mattered. Everything did.

So I felt sort of vulnerable, like he had just cracked me open and could see all of my secrets. All in the matter of seconds. With just ten words.

Part of me was angry. How dare he say something like that? He had no idea how that could've affected me. How it did affect me.

Part of me felt sick to the stomach. As the words "car crash" often led to the gory images and flashes of the incident. They never ceased to remind me that I had every detail of that day permanently imprinted into my mind.

I guess I had zoned out for a second. I came back and all I heard once again was Dallen's condescending voice as he repeated his words. But it seemed distant, as if we weren't in the same room.

"I said," he started and it felt as if I was underwater, listening to his deep and scratchy voice filter through the thick liquid. "'Hope you don't get into a car crash or anything.'"

"Stop talking." I muttered, slamming back into the present, the now. All feeling returned to me and I was once again sitting in the detention room, glaring at the desk.

"'Stop talking'?" He retorted, this time his voice loud, annoyingly so. "Excuse me, Princess?"

"I said stop talking!" I snapped back, slamming my hands on the desk and startling both Dallen and the teacher. "God why can't you just shut up for once? I have gotten in trouble four times today because of you! Can't you just leave me alone?"

Dallen sat in stunned silence, staring at me with wide eyes. He didn't say anything and turned back to the front.

I huffed and dropped my head back onto the desk, ignoring the feel of the teacher's state boring into my head.

Please let this detention be over soon.


Hey guys long time no see! (It's been like a week or two) how are you guys? Well I'm great (nobody was asking)

I hope you guys liked this chap and to Jackie, I didn't go through with exactly as planned but that will happen just not in this chapter,

I am writing a lot today and just recently updated The Shift so you should expect an update for Our Overly Possessive Mates later tonight or tomorrow XD

Oh and also, I made a deal with my friend that if I continued updating regularly then I'd be allowed to post however many new stories I want, but that won't be for a little bit CUZ I actually have to write the stories to publish them

With love and bad singing,


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