Chapter 3

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It took me a few minutes to find my chemistry class making me like ten minutes late. And the teacher didn't seem so happy when I interrupted his class.

He raised his eyebrows irritably, much like the boy by my locker. "And you are interrupting my class because?"

I sighed, pushing the nerves down as the whole class' eyes locked on me, judging me. I fidgeted slightly, my cheeks burning. "I'm in this class and I'm new so I didn't know where to find your class at first."

He sighed, setting the dry erase marker he had been using down. He picked up a clip board and a pen. "Name?"

"Adelaide." I said. "Adelaide Williams."

"Okay, Miss Williams, unfortunately for you, there's only one seat left next to Mister Cady." He replied, clicking his pen and dropping the clipboard.

I glanced out to the lab tables, my eyes landing on the only seat left available. Much to my annoyance and dismay, it seems Mister Cady was the infuriating boy from my locker. He gave me a smirk and a little wave with his fingers.

I turned back to the teacher, a desperate look in my eyes. "Are you sure there's not anywhere else I can sit?"

He looked at me with that encouraging look teachers gave students who they knew were too stupid to pass the class. "Yes, I'm sure. That's the only available seat. Like I said."

"Can't I sit on the floor?"

A few of the students snickered, and I blushed, but didn't glance around. The teacher rubbed his forehead. "Now why would you want to sit on the floor, Miss Williams? You don't even know Mister Cady. It's not very nice to judge when you don't know the person."

Well I don't have to know him to know he's a cocky, pompous jerk. I thought, but didn't say. I held my tongue and the teacher shook his head. "That's what I thought, now please take your seat."

I grumbled under my breath and glared at the floor as I walked to the back of the class and sat down angrily next to him. The teacher picked up his marker again and started going over the class rules.

"Well if it isn't New Girl. May I ask why you were late your first day?" The boy next to me asked, further annoying the crap out of me.

"Shut up." I shot back harshly, surprising myself. I was never harsh with people, but boy was he able to push my buttons.

"Now that's a bit mean." He murmured softly, pressing a hand to his chest as if he actually felt hurt by my comment.

I turned in my seat and looked him dead in the eye. Which proved to be harder than I thought. Especially since he was so attractive-which was distracting-and because he had this annoyingly gorgeous smirk on his face. I glared as much as I could anyways.

"Look I don't know who you are or what your problem is but I would like to know why you are being so obnoxiously rude to me when I have done absolutely nothing to you." I said, my voice a rough whisper. "And I'm sorry for this but you're being a giant jerk."

He raised his eyebrows. "It's not my fault, New Girl interrupted me in the hallway." He spat out the words New Girl, glaring at me all of a sudden.

He can't be serious. "You can't be serious." I deadpanned quietly. "That cannot be what you're mad about."

"Maybe it is, maybe it isn't." He replied shortly. The chemistry teacher shushed us, giving the boy a harsh glare. We ignored him, more interested in glaring at each other. "Or maybe you're just annoying."

"Because I'm annoying?" I retracted back in my seat, my eyebrows raised in disbelief. "You've hardly known me for more than ten minutes! You're the annoying one! You were being stupid and stubborn refusing to let me get to my locker."

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