Chapter 6

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We started packing the next morning at around 10 and put mostly everything that was left inside of the moving truck. We finally packed everything we needed and started to unpack into our new house.

------------------1 week later------------------

We unpacked all of our stuff into the new house. Once we were settled, we went to the store to get some food for dinner. When we came back, we ate spaghetti with meatballs. I did my normal nightly routine and went into my room and played on my phone. I texted Jaime.

Me: Hey :) I haven't talked to you in foreverr!!! What's up?

About twenty minutes later, she texted back.

Jaime: Hey! Sorry I've been busy...

Me: That's okay. Anyway how's school?

Jaime: Same as always. BORING..What about yours?

Me: Same thing but I have one new friend!! Her names Janessa.

Jaime: Coool. She's not gonna replace me right? ;)

Me: Noooo :) I promise <3

Jaime: Okay good. Well I gotta go so bye! Talk to you later :) Have fun...

Me: Bye!!

After I texted her, I was tired. So, I went to sleep.

When I woke up, I was still sleepy. Another day of school. Great! I decided to fake sick and make my mom call me in. " Mom!! I don't feel good.." "You want to go to school or?" "I don't think I can. It may be too contagious." "Okay..", she said unsure if I was really sick or not. She always falls for everything. She had to go to work at 7 so she wouldn't be at the house today until 4.

I did what I usually did on the weekends and sat outside on my porch to enjoy the sunshine. I came back in and ate lunch. I made myself a turkey sandwich and drank some soda. After I ate, I decided to watch TV until mom and Paige come back.

The next morning I found myself awoke on the couch. I must've fell asleep there last night watching TV. I got up, went to the bathroom and changed my clothes. Then, I ate breakfast and went on my way to school. Today I had enrichment and we went outside and played games. I just sat with Janessa in the grass watching other people play basketball. 

"I'm so bored right now.", I said to break the awkward silence. 

"Yeah, me too. 

"Hey, let's take a walk around the basketball court."  


After enrichment I had lunch. I sat with Janessa and a couple of her friends. I ate hot lunch which was a chicken sandwich. The last hour of the day was English. Oh my gosh. I HATE English class! I have all the annoying smart people. I hope I'm not like that. After school, I had to walk to Paige's school to pick her up. Once I got there she came up to me. "Hey," "Hi."

We got home around 3:50 and our mom was supposed to be there at 1. We thought she just went to the store or something. We checked all the rooms and outside and still couldn't find her. There was no note anywhere either. Where could she be? Then, I thought of that man......

A/N: Ooo! Who?? What?? Where??When?? Why??? Just kidding :) This chapter seems short so I'll try to update as soon as possible. So umm yeah bye readers!! 

P.S: The picture on the side is their new house. :)


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