Luna (2)

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I push myself up and stretch out, yawning as I do. Ah, mornings, I hate mornings. I grab my phone and play games on it instead of getting up right away, even though my stomach growls for food.

I put music on as I get up, blasting it on my blue tooth speaker. Bouncing one the balls of my feet as I get myself a bowl of cereal. I eat it quickly, glancing at the time. Nine ain't too bad... I'll leave around eleven. That gives me lots of time to make myself a beautiful bad ass girl.

I smile to myself and wash my dishes before getting dressed. I pull on black leggings and a skin tight black tank top. I only ever really dressed in black. I pull on another black item, my leather jacket. Now shoes... Do I wear my, as I like to call them, stripper heels or my combat boots... Hmm... I wanna take the house down in style but heels might slow me down a bit. Combat boots it is! I pull them on before walking into the bathroom.

I grab my makeup bag and pull my hair up before starting my makeup. I loved being creative, makeup was a way to show it. I finish with foundation and powder, then I move to my eyes. I decide on simple neutral colours before doing winged eyeliner. I smile as I add my mascara, completing a gorgeous eye look. I add a dark purple like to complete it, keeping my dark colour scheme. I smile at myself in the mirror, that's right, I'm beautiful.

"Positive thoughts Darcy, they hide the negative ones." I tell my mirror self. I hated coming to terms with the bad things in my mind, though sometimes, I just couldn't hold them back. I had been hurt and I couldn't let go.

I tie my crazy curly mess of hair up in a high ponytail and put on a black bandana before heading out.

If I make it through the Blood Moon Pack, I'll go to the USA and take on their packs. Though, my belief is Canada's packs were tougher, built for the cold and everything.

Blood Moon Pack was along the border to the states in fact... Hmm, if I can get through their pack once, I can definitely do it again.

I climb into my car considering I won't be shifting to get there. It's too painful to shift. I step on the gas, speeding towards the Blood Moon Packs land, excitement bubbling inside me.

I'd have to be extra cautious, these wolves would kill me. I didn't doubt that. But where's the fun in anything that doesn't require at least a little danger, or a lot.

The drive takes about two hours, but I can live with that. I just turn on the radio, putting it as loud as it can go. I smile and pat my hands on the steering wheel along to the beat of the song. Drives were boring, unless there was music.

I debate whether or not to actually drive onto their territory, it'd be a hell of a lot easier. I decide to do that, I drive slow though with the window down, so I can catch their scents and they can catch mine.

I had studied their territory before hand so I knew where I was going. I pull up at the Alpha's house and get out of the car. I stand still, listening inside for anyone... And nothing!

I grin and run up to the door, kicking it down. Who cares if it's unlocked? Kicking it down is so much more fun. Chaos is my middle name after all. I go upstairs first, what room to start in... His bedroom of course!

I walk in, following to where his delicious scent is strongest. Mm, I've never smelt anything like this. I shake my head and open the door to his room. Then I simply start destroying it. It's fun, really. Pulling off sheets, pulling everything out of the closet, pulling on a shirt or two and dancing in front of the mirror.

I leave when I'm done, moving into the office. Now, I had a rule about electronics. I cannot destroy them. Cause that is just pure evil. I pull the computer off the desk and set it down in the corner of the room, otherwise untouched. I walk back over to the desk and grab it, flipping it over with a giggle as papers go flying. Now here's the best part, pulling all the books from the bookshelves. It's just so amusing and somehow satisfying. Like you're in a movie looking for that one book opening the secret door.

I finish in the office and run downstairs, now I had to be cautious. They would have found out I'm here now. And sure enough, I hear voices. I pause, making sure the alpha wasn't among them.

Ooh goodie, only two men. They walk inside and I smile, waiting for them in the kitchen. I pull a few things out of the fridge as I wait before sitting up on the island. I listen to them follow my scent until they walk into the kitchen.

"My dear boys, it took you long enough! Wolf Claw Pack found me right away." I click my tongue. "Come at me." I grin deviously.

Now when someone says that, the smart thing to do is proceed with caution. But that's not what these men do, instead the first swipes his fist right at my face. How rude! I lean back and jump off the counter, using my hands to kick my feet out and hit him.

I run into the dining room and when they follow, I flip the table towards them, proceeding to the living room where I wait once again. When they emerge from the dining room I smile a bit. And I thought this pack would be better than this. I take them both out, ruining the living room while I'm at it. I go over to their unconscious bodies to make sure I didn't do too much harm, I never ever killed. That was one of my rules.

That's when the same delicious alpha scent fills the room. I stiffen, slowly standing and turning around. I suck in a deep breath seeing the alpha there, surveying the damage and then staring right at me. My wolf screamed inside me but I pushed that to the back of my mind. I couldn't look at him now, I had to run! But he had me a little captivated, he had these green eyes that just- and this black hair that was so- and this gorgeous body and- shut up Darcy!

I take a step back, running into a body I whip around, stepping back toward the alpha. There stood the beta and beside him the beta female. I could tell by their scent and the power radiating off them.

"Fuck." I curse. Did I really get caught?

I look around the room... The window. I run and grab the window sill, throwing myself feet first out the window. Making it shatter as I run to my car. Desperately starting it up as the three of them run out of the house. I put it into drive and speed off.

I'm okay. I'm safe. They're not going to get- I screech as wolves step in front of my car. I slam on the brakes, throwing myself forward. I groan as my chest hits the wheel.

I glance back and realize wolves have blocked the road on either side. I step  out of the car and stand defensively by it. I can take them, it'll be good practice.

I notice the alpha, beta and beta female watching from farther away.

"You aren't getting away." The beta calls.

"We'll see about that." I growl, that's when the first wolf jumps at me. I twist, grabbing him and throwing him to the ground. Because I couldn't shift well, I had trained long and hard in human form. Werewolf strength kinda helped.

Then it's just a blur of fur and slowly losing energy my energy. I hit the last wolf unconscious at one point but it was an awfully weak blow.

I wobble a bit, my legs unable to keep me up anymore. I kind of fall to my knees, panting heavily. Their wolves really are the best. The beta walks up and despite how tired I am, I throw a punch at him.

"I admire your strength, Luna." He says, stopping my fist with his hand easily from the weak attempt.

"Luna?" I ask in confusion before my world goes black.

The Alpha's Disobedient Mate (Old Copy of Chapters 1-6)Where stories live. Discover now