Jace (3)

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I groan waking up, my muscles hurt. When I open my eyes I instantly panic. Where am I? Where's my house?

The events slowly flow back into my mind. Oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck.

I look around. Okay... I'm in a hospital room. I'm still in my normal clothes, besides my crazy curls are loose now. I slide off the bed quietly and open the door. I could really use some music right now. I look around, where is everyone?

I walk down the hall to a lobby like place.

"Luna! You're awake!" A woman exclaims and I jump in surprise. Luna? Hey, the beta called me Luna too... What are they talking about? "You shouldn't be out of bed, back to your room."

I growl at her. No one tells me what to do. No one. She leans back a bit and I walk past her, throwing the door open to go outside. But I run into a wall? Oh that's not a wall. I stare at the alphas chest for a moment before taking a step back.

"Why are you not in bed resting?" He asks.

I place my hands on my hips. "I'm done 'resting.'" I roll my eyes. "I'm going to leave now and we're going to pretend I was never caught. I can't have this ruin my reputation."

"She's sassy, I like her." A female voice says from behind the alpha.

"You're going back to bed." The dumb alpha decides to growl.

"Excuse me? Did you just tell me to do something? Oh hell to the fucking no." I growl back. Rules were made to be broken, I didn't even follow them in the first place.

"We might need some soap for that mouth." The alpha says, grabbing my face, not hard though. A gentle manner and the little sparks I feel makes it harder to pull away.

"Wait..." Everything finally seems to click, crazy wolf? Sparks? People calling me Luna? "I'm mated to an alpha!?"

How could I have been so stupid? The one wolf I can't stand is the one I get mated too.

"Moon Goddess why do you test me like this?" I whimper. "What did I ever do to you?"

"You are not happy with me?" The alpha asks slowly, a look of pain crosses over his face.

I shrug.

"Okay, can we please step back a little?" The female voice asks again and the beta female steps in with the beta. I look over at her. "What's your name?"

"Darcy." I reply.

"Isn't that a guy name?" She asks bluntly and I roll my eyes.

"It's not gender specific." I mutter.

"My name is Arianna. But most people call me Ann. This here is Garrett," she jerks her thumb at her mate. "And this big guy is Jace." She points to my... Mate.

"Alright, well I want to go home now." I say simply.

"You have a home?" Ann asks and I groan.

"Yes and a job I have to get to!" I exclaim. "So could you please like, let me go?"

"No," Jace growls. "You're not leaving."

"Don't you dare order me around, I do what I want." I hiss.

"I'm your mate!" He exclaims.

"The one I never asked for." I grunt.

"I want to know how you managed to take seven of my warriors down with only a scratch." Jace demands.

"Isn't the phrase 'without a scratch?'" I ask innocently.

He growls, clearly frustrated. I hold back a giggle.

The Alpha's Disobedient Mate (Old Copy of Chapters 1-6)Where stories live. Discover now