Groceries (6)

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I snap my eyes open to a bright light shining in my face. I smack it out of the way and squint up at the ceiling. I close my eyes again when I realize how much pain I'm in. What the hell...

After a few breaths I can tell I'm in the pack hospital. I sit straight up, I'm leaving.

But the motion makes me let out a noise in pain then I'm forced back down. I groan and let my eyes focus. Jace is standing at the end of the bed, his face like stone. Presumably a pack doctor is to my right, the one who pushed me down. Well, I think it's a pack doctor, my vision blurs again.

"Lay still Darcy, damn it!" Jace exclaims. I slowly stop, laying still like he said. Moving around will do me no good in the state I'm in. But I do want food, I'm starving.

"Then could I please have something to eat?" I sigh frustratedly, staring at the ceiling. I hear a faint yes. "And my phone!"

I end up getting food, but not my phone. I am helped to sit up, much to my dismay. Jace sits on the bed and tries helps me eat, my hands being shaky and weak. But I refuse the help. I do not want to be seen as weak. I don't ask what happened, I don't want to know and I don't care to. I know that my escape was compromised.

"You've been out for a few hours," Jace says. "A pack member attacked you, thinking you were a rogue."

"Cool." I mumble, I don't care! I just can't believe I didn't notice. Then again, I didn't plan that escape very well, I just dropped from the window and expected no one to be ready for me. How naïve. Now Jace will he watching me more closely, damn it. I wanna punch something!

"You are to go through the pack trials soon." Jace states.

"Excuse me what?" I growl. "Who said I wanted to join your pack?"

"I said so." Jace growls back.

"Alpha! Please don't get her riled up! Her heart rates increasing." A pack doctor says.

"Yeah, alpha," I growl, in a very disrespecting way.

"You are my mate. You'll do as I say." He grabs my face with his hand and in two seconds I'm pulling at all the equipment to lunge at this boy. Who the fuck does he think he is?

I'm going to rip this alpha limb from limb. Well, I was until the doctor has me literally thrown back onto the bed.

"Alpha you're disrupting the patient. Leave," He demands as he looks me over.

"You don't get to be near her anymore. You're an unmated male. Leave," Jace replies stubbornly, his alpha status clear by how he spoke, his order hitting the pack doctor hard.

"Yes, alpha," He mumbles and leaves.

I start pulling out the wires and machines.

"Stop." Jace says, trying to use that silly alpha order over me. Ha.

I finish and stand up, my legs weak and my body shaking. I got this. I never needed a hospital before and I won't ever need one. Dizzy? Please. A little pain isn't going to stop me. I've had worse.

I stumble to the wall and use it to support me. I think Jace gave up because he holds open the door and I growl at him as I walk through.

Stupid alpha. Stupid stupid alpha. I hate him.

Once I'm outside I sit on the ground and against the wall to the building. Man I'm tired. Whoever hit me really gave me a good whack.

"You're concussed," Jace squats in front of me.

"Of fucking course!"

Jace sighs. "Let me help you home."

"My home is my apartment," I respond, my body yearning to be back there. With my music set-up, and my bed...

The Alpha's Disobedient Mate (Old Copy of Chapters 1-6)Where stories live. Discover now