Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 – Not edited, Sorry for any mistakes

“What do you mean you won’t stop? You won’t stop hurting me?” I ask with tears streaming down my face. He gently pressed me against the wall and pressed his body against mine. I gasped from surprise with my eyes wide and looked up at him.

“I won’t stop till I get you back in my life.” He said. This must be some kind of joke. Why does he won’t me back in his life after he threw me out and hurt me?

“How do I know that this isn’t some kind of sick joke?” I questioned with uncertainty in my voice.

His face leaned down to mine and he pressed his lips to mine. It was soft and gentle. I don’t know if it was a spar of the moment thing but I kissed back. It was my first kiss and I can’t take it back so I might as well enjoy it. I brought my hands up around the back of his neck and tugged on his hair a bit. Our lips were moving together with great passion, he licked my bottom lip asking for permission to take the kiss further. And I let him. I opened my mouth and our tongues moulded together. His hands found my waist and pulled me into him. We were like that for a minute or two until I reluctantly pulled away for air. We were both panting, our chest rising and falling in sync. I looked up into his deep brown eyes that were burning into mine.

“Does that tell you that this is not a joke?” I stood there frozen. He just kissed me and I kissed back. After all the years of him abusing me. I just kissed him. I started to cry and sunk down to the floor with my head in my hands crying hard.

He sank down to the floor next to me “maybe you should go” I said. He didn’t move. I got up but Ashton grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down. I winched from the pain that shot through my arm from the still new cuts on my wrist. He took my wrists and looked at the cuts and scars on them. His eyes went wide.

“You do this to yourself?” he stuttered there’s no point in not telling him the truth. If I tell him, he might have an idea of the effect he’s had on my life.

“Yes Ashton I do do this to myself and you wanna know why? Because it takes the pain away from the pain you cause me. It feels good and maybe one day I will cut to deep and die. That’s what you want Ashton so don’t look so surprised.” I spat at him. I pulled my arm out of his grasp and walked into the kitchen. He followed me. I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water when Ashton started to speak.

“I don’t want you to die. If you die I don’t know what I would do. I didn’t know that I caused you to cut and I don’t know how many times I can say it to make you believe me but I really am truly sorry.” His voice sounded so week like he was about to break down into tears there and then. I turned around and looked at him. His eyes were blood shot and he had tear stains on his cheeks.

“You should stop saying it Ashton because I don’t believe you and I am not going to forgive you.” My voice was calm and trying not to crack.

“What about the kiss?” he questioned

“What about the kiss Ashton? You kissed me because you wanted to and I kissed back because it was my first kiss and I can’t get I back so I tried to enjoy myself which I did. So thanks for that Ashton you can get out of my house now.” I stood there waiting for him to leave. He looked confused.

“I was your first kiss? You haven’t kissed anyone before?” he asked.

“Well Ashton it’s kind of hard to kiss someone when anyone you try to get close to gets beat up or hurt from you” I screamed at him. He had a look of hurt across he’s face.

“Why did you even kiss me anyway Ashton? Why? Just want to get in my pants ha? Because you know I’m a virgin? I’m a challenge for you?”

“You think that because I kissed you I want to get in your pants. Well Bree there’s something you should know about me. I’m a virgin to and I think that it’s amazing you’re a virgin it shows that you want to save yourself for when the right person comes along. ” he said with glassy eyes.

“Get out of my house Ashton before I call the cops.”  I said turning around to put my cup in the sink.

“I’m not leaving until I know that you forgive me.” I stood there looking out the window.

“Fine I forgive you.” I said hoping he would leave

“Really?” he asked with happiness in his voice. I smirked to myself. He actually thought I forgave him. Ha you’re wrong. I stopped smirking and turned around to face him. He had hope all over his face. I was mentally laughing at him.

“NO! Now get out.” I said to him is face fell. He looked up at me.

“No” boy was he starting to get on my nerves. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked back at him.

“You have 5 seconds to get out of my house before I call the cops.” I was counting down in my head 1, 2, 3 I pulled my phone up and unlocked the screen. I started dialling the number when a hand came in contact with my phone, pulling it out of my hands. I looked up at Ashton and he slammed his lips on mine.

I kissed back because his kisses were addicting. It was ruff and hard but it felt amazing. I felt sparks in my stomach it was completely different to the one we had at the bottom of the stairs. He pulled away and I looked into his eyes.

“Now tell me you don’t want me to leave.” He said with a slight smirk on his face. I looked into his deep brown eyes that were so close to my face and melted. I felt my knees going weak.

“I want you to leave.” I said staring at him.

“Really?” he said with a smirk on his lips.

“No” I said and smashed my lips back to his. What am I doing? He hurts me for 4 years and kisses me a few times and I’m hooked? No. I pulled away really quickly and slapper him across the face.

“I have no idea what just came over me but none of this should have happened. So I’m going to go upstairs and you’re going to get out of my house and when I go to school tomorrow it all goes back to normal, so get out so I can live my life without you in it.” The look of shock came over his face soon to be replaced with understanding.

“I will leave and I’m sorry for that but don’t stand there and say you didn’t feel the sparks because I did. So I will go but I will get you to forgive me or I will die trying.” And with that he left my house.

I decided that since I didn’t go to school there was no point going now. So I went up to my room and laid down thinking how I just made out with Ashton…. The hottest guy in our school. His straight dark brown hair.. His deep Brown eyes… his silver nose pricing that shines when it gets caught in the light…..

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