Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 – Not edited, sorry for any mistakes.


I walked to the library were I spend my lunch times. One more period left and then I’m out of here  I waved to the librarian as I walked in and made my way to the last isle and grabbed the book ‘switched’ that I have been reading. I sat down on the floor and started to read.

I was interrupted form my book when a large hand come over my mouth and pulled me to the end of the isle, pushing me up against the wall. “I thought I told you to meet me at my locker you dirty slut.” He slammed me to the ground and kicked me in the stomach. He kept kicking me and I just lay there with tears streaming down my face.

Ashton eventually left and I just lay there thinking what happened to him? We used to be good friends. We would hang out on the weekends and sometimes after school. One day he came up behind me and pushed me over and started slapping me in the face. Ever since then this is how he is to me.


I got home and thankfully my dad wasn’t home. He was probably at the bar getting drunk and smoking again. I went up to my room and got my razor out of the bathroom. I leaned against the sink and made two cuts. The blood started oozing out and in to the sink. I quickly put it under some running water and cleaned it up. I went into my room and did my homework. I then got dressed in some sweets and a t-shirt. I hoped under my covers and slowly drifted to sleep holding my bruised stomach.

Ashton’s P.O.V

I sat on my windowsill looking out through my window across the street and into Bree’s room. She was sitting at her desk doing homework I think? I saw the bruise on her arm from today. I feel really bad I should stop doing it. But I can’t I would loss my popularity. I don’t want that.

I just shrugged it off and went to bed.

Bree’s P.O.V

I woke up feeling happy and I made my way down stairs. I saw my dad sitting on the couch watching T.V. he saw me coming and got up off the couch and made his way towards me and grabbed my hair.

“Why the heel are the dishes not done and my breakfast not cooked and in the microwave?” he screamed in my face. “I didn’t get time to”

“Well that’s no excuse you bitch.” He slapped me across the face and through me to the floor. “YOU KNOW YOU’RE JUST A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT YOU SHOULD JUST GO AND DIE LIKE YOUR MOTHER!” He kicked me and went into the kitchen.

I just got up with tears streaming sown my face and grabbed my bag from next to the door. I pulled the door open to come face to face with Ashton……

Ashton’s P.O.V

I woke up this morning and decided I would go and make a truce with Bree. I think I’ve bulled her enough in the past 4 years. It needs to stop. I need to stop. I could take it too far one day and end up hurting her really badly or even end up killing her.

I got ready for the day then made my way over to her house. Should I knock or just wait for her to come out? I decided to wait when I heard a noise coming from inside. I went over to the front window. I could see Bree coming down from the stairs and her dad making is way to her. Her front room was a mess. Where’s her mum knowing her she wouldn’t of let it be so messy. Beer bottles on the floor, a half-eaten pizza on the coffee table. I looked over to Bree and her dad he had just grabbed her hair and began yelling at her.

“Why the heel are the dishes not done and my breakfast not cooked and in the microwave?” why was he yelling at her and pulling her hair?

“I didn’t get time to” she defended herself. “Well that’s no excuse you bitch.” He yelled at her and slapped her across the face and through her to the floor. I just stood there looking through the window with my mouth hung open. I can’t believe her dad; HER DAD just did that.

 “YOU KNOW YOU’RE JUST A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT YOU SHOULD JUST GO AND DIE LIKE YOUR MOTHER!”  He screamed at her. Her mother died? I didn’t know that! Her dad treats her like shit, her mother’s dead and along with all of that I’ve been hurting her. I can’t believe it.

He kicked her in the stomach and walked into the kitchen. I quickly rushed round to her front door just in time for her to open the door.

Bree’s P.O.V

He just stood there with a frightened look on his face. Did he hear all that? Omg that just gives him something else to tease me about. I just shut the door and walked past him.

“I didn’t know your mum died” he said nice and calmly. That just set me off he must have heard everything.

“You wanna know why you didn’t know that my mum died Ashton? Because you turned on me, you abuse me, you hurt me, in more ways than one. You’re just an asshole so why don’t you just leave me alone. Ok. That would make my life so much better. Actually why don’t you just go crawl into a hole and die you motherfucking asshole I HATE YOU!” I have no idea where my confidence came from but I’m sure Ashton was just as shocked as me from the expression on his face. His eyes wide and mouth open, maybe I was a little too harsh in what I said. No that’s nothing compared to what he’s done to me. He came out of his gaze and tried speaking to me.

“Bree list… “ “No Ashton just piss off” and with that I walked away.

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