Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Not edited, sorry for any mistakes.

Beep Beep Beep

I woke up to my alarm going off. I got up and had a look down stairs to make sure my dad wasn't up. He was passed out on the kitchen bench. Next to him sat a pot of cocaine, Typical. I went back up to my room and into my bathroom. I looked in the mirror at the monster that shone back at me. Maybe I should believe everything that they say, I am ugly, I am fat, and I am worthless. I'm nothing. My long blonde hair sat at the middle of my back. My brown eyes were red and puffy from crying myself to sleep last night.

I striped off and got in the shower the hot water burning my bruises on my stomach from my betting yesterday. Once I washed and shaved I got out of the shower wrapping a towel around my body. I walked over to my closet and pulled out a black par of skinny jeans and a white union jack jumper that had long sleeves to cover up my cuts. I put on my old beat up black converses and made my way down stairs.

I walked past my father and grab the ingredients to make scrambled eggs as my dad would yell and slap me if I didn't. I made them then set them in the microwave. I walked to the door and grab my bag off the floor swinging it over my shoulder and walked out the door. I saw the person I hate the most in this world leaning up against one of the poles on my porch. I walked straight past him but soon to be pulled back by my arm.

"Hey slut" he said with is famous smirk plastered on his face. I really hated him he made my life hell.

"Leave me alone Ashton" he just smirked even bigger if that was possible. His pin straight brown hair blowing to the right in the light chilly morning wind. "But that's no fun now is it Bree?" I yanked my arm out of his grip and started my walk to school. Suddenly I felt someone push me to the ground, my arms hitting the pavement in front of me HARD.

"Now did I say you could leave? No I didn't think so, so now we get to have some fun" he picked me up by the neck of my jumper and punched me in the gut. I fall to the ground in pain clutching my stomach. Ashton just let out a small chuckle and bent down to my level so I could hear him.

"Hope you enjoyed that be ready for after school you fat whore" with that he smirked at me and kicked me in the gut once and walked off .It took me a while to fight the pain, but slowly I got up and started the 10 minute walk to school

Once I got to school I walked through the front doors and slowly walked to my locker.

"omg did she roll in mud before she got here?" "look at how fat and ugly she is" I just kept on walking ignoring all the nasty comments that were directed to me once I got to my locker I put in the code and opened it. To my dismay I was welcomed with the contents of my locker falling out on the ground.

I heard laughs coming from behind me. I turned around to see none other than Ashton Lead and his pussy friends standing by him with Violet the schools slut hanging off his arm.

I placed everything back into my locker and made my way to form room. I walked into form and went and sat at the back of the classroom in my usual set. Unfortunately Ashton was in all my classes except for art. Which I thanked the heavens for as art is my favourite subject not just because Ashton isn't in it.

Eventually every one filled into the classroom soon joined by our teacher Mr Lode. I stuck my headphones in to drown out all the noise of the classroom and slowly letting everything disappear from around me. I was knocked out of my trance when a folded piece of paper hit my forehead. I looked up to see everyone chatting amongst themselves and Ashton smirking at me. I unfolded the piece of paper to see.

Hey whore,

Meet me at my locker in-between period 3 and 4 for a surprise. See you there slut.

- Ashton

I scrunched the piece of paper up and through it in the bin. I started to think what the surprise would be and if I should go? I decided against it as it will probably just be some prank. I know that I could get it worse if I don't go but I really can't be bothered with his bullshit today. The bell rang and I made my way to science, great.

I thankfully got to science with no hassle. I went and sat down at my set at the back soon to be told by my teacher that she has a new setting plan, just wonderful (note the sarcasm).

"So here is the new setting plan. Chris and Morgan, Violet and Josh, James and Laura, Ashton and Bree..." I stopped breathing I can't sit next to him. I looked at him to see him smiling big at me. I tried calming myself down by thinking that it is only an hour a day. Just get over it.

I got up and walked up the front and sat sown next to him. He turned around with a big grin on his face. I just scoffed and turned to the front to see what the teacher was saying.

"You are going to be given an assignment that will be due in three weeks. You will work in the partners you are with now; this will require work out of school so you will have to meet up with your partners before or after school and on the weekends if you wish."

I sat there with my mouth wide open. I looked over at Ashton who looked like he had just been slapped in the face. That quickly changed to a big smirk when he looked over at me. What is he going to do to me?

"You may start now. Chris and Morgan you have excretion. Ashton and Bree you have the reproduction system. James and Laura the nerves system and Violet and Josh you have muscle tissue."

Even great we have something that Ashton will love. I bet he will embarrass me in some way. He is the expert and sex. He's probably fucked all the sluts in the school. No doubt.

"You will have to do a written report as well as a presentation to the class, good luck." Ashton turned to me while I just sat there staring at the board. He grabbed a hold of my arm. I turned and looked at him.

"So the reproductive system ay?" he was slowly grabbing my arm harder and harder. I nodded and yanked my arm out of his grasp. "Don't worry I will do it all" I said with no emotion in my voice.

"Oh no I want to help" he smirked at me. The bell rang and I quickly packed my stuff up. "I will unfortunately be at your house at 4 you better we there or else" no he can't come to my house what if my dad is there? "No you can't come to my house and I'm not going to yours so I will meet you at Starbucks tomorrow at 4." I stuttered really quickly walking out the door.

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