Chapter 13

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"The Cave"

The moon was full, and the tide was low, so the moon light beamed over the expansive bay near the Enchanted River. To say that the Village was quiet is an understatement- at this time of early morning, about 3 a.m., the pigs and chickens were silent in sleep, for a short time at least. The Karaoke Machines were recovering from the busy festive nights, and the mothers were catching a few hours of sleep before the screams for breast milk began again. Even the dogs were dreaming of their next day's meal. The village could have been the motivation for the song, "In the Still of the Night".

But the cats were out hunting and competing for the other night crawlers. Occasional cat fights often woke up most of the villagers, as one loud battle rattled the Santos household. Two cats in battle can sound like a dozen, and on this particular night, like a war.

Filipinya and Spud awoke at the same time.

"It's OK, little man, just a cat fight."

Spud called out for Nanay. "Shhhhshhhh, Spud, go back to sleep, they will go away soon," assured Filipinya.

"I can't sleep, Ate...." and a knock at the wall... "What was that?"

Whispering, Coco said, "Hey guys, let's go to the Cave. It's a full moon, come on, get some snacks."

Tatay was snoring away, and Nanay slept soundly.

Filipinya and Coco couldn't sleep, so they tip toed quietly to the kitchen and grabbed some food and water for their adventure. Pinya slowly shut the front door as they joined Coco. "Come on, let's go wake up Treet."

The usual three knocks at Treet's window told her Filipinya was calling, and the time of morning meant only one thing- The Cave. The older kids in the village had introduced Coco to their exciting tradition of sharing horror stories and food a few years back, and Coco now led the group of four through the jungle, past the Enchanted River, and over the ridge to a secret hole in the hillside that was hidden by overgrown bushes.

As they settled onto the large rocks used as chairs, Coco lit three candles and Filipinya, Treet, and Spud laid their snacks out on a blanket. The full moon provided a small amount of light at the entrance of the cave, but not at the area where the group could all sit and eat and try to scare each other with horror stories. As long as it was dark enough to not see the spiders and other critters, the girls were happy.

Coco started, "It is almost the last week of October, and Halloween is soon. Spud nudged closer to Filipinya.

"We all have to be careful and prepared for Aswang." Spud grabbed Pinya's hand. Treet listened intently.

Coco started from the beginning in 1960 at Jagna, Bohol, Philippines.

A couple, Ben and his wife Belen after two years of marriage conceived a child. Traditionally the woman gave birth at home with the help of a "Hilot", or midwife. Doctors were not necessary because the Hilot and an assistant were qualified to deliver babies.

The big day arrived for Belen to deliver her baby. Usually both the Hilot and the assistant are in the bedroom. Coco explained that on this day though, the Hilot was alone as she instructed. After a few hours of labor, Belen gave birth to a healthy baby boy. But then something unusual happened.

Father Ben came into the room to get the used bed sheets but to his surprise there was no blood.

Coco paused to see his friends staring at him, and then continued.

Ben asked the Hilot what happened? The Hilot just shrugged and didn't say a word. Ben suspected nothing since he trusted her as the "Hilot", and did not mention it to his family.

Day by day, Belen had less energy and looked paler and paler. The Hilot, would still come to check in on the mother and baby every day, as was customary. Belen was not speaking much and was so weak after giving birth, but the Hilot told Ben that it was normal for a new mother.

The next day, Ben found his wife motionless, and not breathing. She had died quietly, and that same day, the baby died.

The Hilot was nowhere to be found. Rumors started spreading quickly around the village that the Hilot was really the dreaded Aswang! They believe that the evil vampire sucked Belen's and the babies blood each day. The blood sucking devil took the form of a woman masquerading as a Hilot.

By then, Treet and Spud and Filipinya were all huddled together, and Coco yelled, "Hey, look! What's back there!"

Spud screamed, but Filipinya held her brother and told him that Coco was just being mean, and that Aswang was not in the cave, or anywhere near.

Treet said, "I don't believe in Aswang! You are just making up stories, Coco."

"No, really, I heard this story from my older cousin."

"Was he there, did he see the Aswang?" asked Filipinya.

"Well, uh, no. But he said his older brother told him about the Aswang."

"Whatever, Coco. There is no Aswang" said Filipinya. "I have an actual story, about Encantada, the white woman with long blonde hair that still appears at the Enchanted River."

"I have never seen any woman like that, Pinya," responded Coco.

"You've never seen Aswang, either, have you? My Lolo saw her one late night at the river bank. He told me that a long time ago, Encantada drowned in the depths of the sink hole where the Enchanted River comes out of the sea cave. Even now, once in a while, people claim to see the vision of her hair and skin shining in the moonlight."

"That's a ghost! I don't believe in ghosts!" said Coco.

"But you believe in demon vampires that pose as mid-wives?"

Filipinya and Treet laughed, while Spud was trying to decide what to believe.

"Come on, let's go down there now. The moon is full."

Spud said, "I want to go home, Ate. Let's just go home."

"Yeah, I'm tired. Maybe next month," said Treet.

The gang of four made their way home and quietly got back in their beds, each one of them hoping for nice dreams instead of nightmares.

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