Chapter 29

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First Time at the Mall

Soon another new school year starts and the student's parents started to prepare the classroom in what is called the "Brigada Eskwela". This literally means "school brigade", or a group effort to improve the schools' grounds, paint the walls and arm chairs, and align the tables and chairs.

While cleaning, the parents were talking about the perfect surprise for the kids before they start their school year. Nanay Santos suggested bringing their kids to the mall to buy their school supplies. The other parents all agreed since some kids never experienced the new Mall just a short thirty minute bus ride away. They set the date of the Friday before the first day of school. As soon as Nanay arrived home, she was so excited to tell Filipinya and Spud about the day trip, but the kids were even more excited!

"Kids, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow, so let's all go to bed a little earlier tonight."

"Nanay, we are not kids any more. I am going in 7th Grade. Only Spud's the kid," Filipinya teased.

"Whatever, Pinya. You want to lose in a race tomorrow to a "kid"?"

The next morning, Filipinya and Spud woke up early to prepare for the big day at the Mall. Nanay made sandwiches and snacks for the kids and some extra for Treet.

When they arrived at the mall, the girls were irritated by the noisy arcade near the main entrance of the mall where the loud sound effects of the race cars, toy guns and street fighters never ended. But of course, this is one of the best places for the boys, especially for Spud. He saw the older boys inserting a shiny coin-like object to play in the arcade. Spud thought that it is the usual coin that he uses when he buys at the sari-sari store. Tatay saw his son's confusion and said, "Come with me, we will buy some tokens so you can play."

Tatay spent P100 for the tokens and tried the car racing, basketball, and even the dance pad with Spud. Whether he liked it or not, Spud beat Tatay at all three, but it allowed them to bond, even if they were both competitive. Nanay was so happy to see her two "boys" enjoying the games and each other.

After a while they roamed around the ground floor and took some pictures and selfies. When they wanted to go up to the second floor, Filipinya and Spud looked at the moving floor that went up. Tatay and Nanay stepped right on, but the kids watched, afraid to step onto the escalator. Tatay glanced backwards, and said, "Just step on one foot at a time quickly, and stand on one level until you reach us at the top."

The kids both did just as he said, and reached the top without any problems, broken legs, or lost teeth. "But you should always be careful and watch your feet and hang on to the side rail, as accidents can happen. Keep your balance and focus kids. Especially when we go back down. You wouldn't want to fall down an escalator!"

On the second floor, they found the bookstore and searched for the kids' textbooks on their list, and for fun books too. Nanay kept busy completing her list for the kids' school supplies. She asked her kids to choose their desired design for their notebooks, pens, pencils, pencil cases, folders, and most importantly, a backpack. After completing their lists and buying all their needs, the kids were so excited for the opening of classes because they'll be able to use their new stuff.

After shopping, Filipinya and Spud ate a sumptuous lunch- their all-time favorite of chicken, spaghetti and a chocolate sundae. Then, it was off to explore the mall again, but Filipinya and Spud got so excited when wandering around the crowds that they got separated from their parents. The Mall really was like a little city!

"Pinya, where are we?" asked Spud with a scared look. Normally, Spud was adventurous, but there were thousands of strangers mulling about. "I think they told us to go to the stage on the first floor, remember?" Spud and Pinya headed straight downstairs down the escalators again. Within then minutes, the kids leapt into Nanay and Tatay's arms; they were so relieved to find them.

"Kids, we were so scared for you. I told you to stay close", Nanay scolded.

"We are sorry Nanay. We won't do it again, promise," Filipinya responded.

When it was time to go home, they decided to use the elevator to go down the four floors, but of course Spud had to hit every button so the elevator stopped on every single floor. The family was tired and everyone just wanted to go home after a very long day at the mall.

Tatay and Nanay realized that since the kids were involved in the shopping process, and they saw the amount of pesos spent on their school supplies. They had no doubt that Filipinya and Spud will take care of their belongings while at school. It will also motivate them to do their best in school.

Nanay also purchased two extra sets of supplies for the school to give to students who could not afford anything.

When the door opened on Floor 2, Filipinya stared straight at a tall boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, and he stared right back and smiled wide. He stepped into the elevator and stood next to her for just the 8 seconds for the doors to open on the ground floor. A tall couple was waiting there, and the father said in an Australian accent, "Oh, Kiki, we have been waiting for you."

Kiki walked out first, turned around, and gave Filipinya a wink.

Tatay saw the entire episode. "Nanay, did you see that boy wink at Pinya? What's is he thinking?"

Nanay whispered in his ear, "Our little girl is growing up fast."

Filipinya's heart was still beating fast and her stomach was filled with butterflies.

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