Chapter 4♡

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I finally stood up and walked into my bedroom to get dressed. I put the same outfit on and headed towards the door. I dragged myself down the stairs and into the lobby. It was already 7:00. I walked out of the building and began to weave my way through the crowd. The roads were clogged with traffic, so I decided to just walk, It wasn't too far anyways.

When I reached the building, I quickly walked to the elevator with my head down so I wouldn't have to come into contact with another person. Sometimes, I consider myself antisocial. Maybe this is the reason I don't have a husband?

The elevator stopped at the 5th floor to pick up Derek Alister. What are the odds. He walks in and greets me with a hug. He has lost his mind. He ruins my life then tries to act like we're bestfriends. He makes small talk about his mother getting better after a stroke and his buisness doing better than last year.

I try so hard but I can't hate him.

We're one floor to the twelfth, where I can escape, when the elevator halts to a stop leaving tne elevator shaking. I'm about to hit the ground when he grabs the top of my spine and stands me up grinning. I desperately try not to draw any attention to what has just happened. Although he is extremely attractive and right now I just want to take him and kiss him, I remember that I don't because he is the enemy.

I hit the help button a thousand times untill some 911 operator picks up. "911 what's your emergency?," I begin to scream at her to get us out of the elevator, while Derek begins to state our location, which elevator, and who is in the elevator, calmly. I feel a little embarrassed for freaking out. "You're going to be okay, I promise you." He reassures me.

Within twenty minutes, the elevator begins to be pulled open and Derek helps as well. When the firefighter tells one of us to climb on to the ledge, I start to panic. "There is no way I'm going! We are 11 stories up!" I started to pace around the elevator. "You will be fine," He smiled "I've got you." He lifted me up to the edge and I climed up onto the 12th floor where the receptionist greeted me.

"Well, hello there! I don't even think you caught my name! I'm Candace, but everyone calls me Candy." She smiled and I held out my hand,"Very nice to meet you Candy." I watched as Derek pulled himself up. He grinned at me then started to talk with the firefighters about how difficult their job must be.

Candy brought me into Derek's office where she grabbed my phone from his desk. I turned it on and I had 15 missed calls from Damon, and a whopping 34 missed calls from Ann. I had about 10 angry texts saying anwer your phone immediately. I glance up at Candy and tell her I have to go. I walk out and she tries to call for me to ask what's wrong.

I decide to walk down the stairs because I don't want to have to talk to Candy any longer. My phone rings again and it's Ann.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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