chapter twelve.

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Skylar's POV.

"So he just kissed you, and left you wanting more!" Hanna said.

"No! Well yes. I am really confused."I said rubbing my temples.

"Was it good? I bet it was. He seems like a good kisser". Hanna said. Making me feel very awkward.

"I do not know, he was my first."I said looking down.

"What!" They all exclaimed out of shock.

"Yeah, I am not really the type that guys want to date, I am the friend type." I said. They all gave me disapproving looks.

"That is bullshit Sky! How can you say that about yourself? You are so beautiful! Look at yourself."
Amanda said.

"I do not think of myself as ugly, I like who I am, I just never had a boyfriend and I have never been kissed before, but something about kissing Harry felt nice, there was this spark or something that erupted in me but-"

"Sky" Em said.


"Uhm turn around." Hanna whispered.  I turned around and Harry was standing there smirking at me.

"Hey Skylar." He said.

"Hi, did you maybe want something?" I asked.

"Yeah. I wanted to get to my locker, you standing in front of it." He said. I felt so embarrassed.

"Oh sorry." I said turning around and walking away. The girls and I said our goodbyes and parted ways.

"Hey wait up!" Harry shouted. I turned around and he was walking towards me.
"So sparks huh?" He said nudging me. My face is on fire.

"I guess you heard me" I said looking at the floor.

"Yes I did, no need to feel embarrassed, I felt it too."He said. I doubt he did.

"Oh" is all I said. This is awkward. We walked around the bend and then Harry pushed me into an empty classroom.

"Harry why are we he-" I got cut off by him kissing me. His hands went down to my waist and mine went up to his neck. We stopped when someone cleared their throat.

"You guys should get to class, I dont want to have to report this." The French teacher said. I have no idea what this means, it is the second time he kissed me. I am not complaining or anything.

"What are you thinking?" Harry asked.

"It is nothing." I said.

"Please do not lie to me Skylar." Harry said.

"Okay fine! What does this mean? The kissing?" I asked.

"I.. uhhh... I am not sure." He said.

"Well then I guess it has to stop. I cannot commit myself to someone who is clearly indecisive." I said and stormed off. How dare he, I thought he likes me but I guess it is a good thing, because I need to focus on school. I have to go to med school. That is my main goal. I had my last class and thankfully it was with Collin. I loved study hall. We practically did nothing during this period.

"Hey Skylar." Collin said.

"Hi." I said sitting down next to him.

"What is wrong? Are you alright?"

"I am swell. Thanks for asking. How about you?"

"I am fine. I cannot say the same thing about you though. Tell me what is bothering you."

"It is Harry but I am not in the mood to talk about him right now. How are you? Any new things that happened to you?" I asked.

"Yes actually, I met someone, her name is Jenna. She is really amazing. I really like her alot."he said.

"I am really happy for you Collin, really I am, that is amazing." I said.

"Thank you, so do you want to watch a movie or something?"

"Movie is fine."I said.


After school, I went home and went straight to my bed, I was extremely tired. Soon sleep overtook me and darkness was all around me.

Short filler.

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