Siblings and Museum Tours

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My eyes fluttered open, and I hissed at the bright light. My head was pounding, and I felt sick to my stomach. I looked over, and saw Stark sleeping soundly. The memories of last night, came rushing back. "Oh no." I whispered. I quietly climbed out of Stark's bed, and found my clothes from last night. I looked at the clock and saw it was 12:30. Once I was dressed, I fled the tower. I was immediately met with the flashes of camera's. I kept my head low, and I focused on walking. I wondered if my power would allow me to fly. I tried, but it didn't work. I decided to keep walking, seeing if could find my old selling spot. I noticed a few things hadn't changed, like Central Park, the Brooklyn Bridge, but other than that, everything had changed. "Hey lets go to that museum they made of those kids. People say it's really interesting." I heard a voice say. I looked to my left and saw a couple with two older kids. "Yea. Hey Claire, wanna go see the museum you fangirl over?" the mother asked. "It's not just a museum mom. It's a piece of Disney history. It's based on a true story, the story of Child Labor Laws, and a love story between two kids." Claire said.

Her mom shook her head. "What about you Carter? Want to go see the museum?" The dad asked. Carter nodded his head. I deiced to find out what they were talking about. I walked over to the couple and their kids. "Excuse me. I overheard your conversation, and I was wondering what museum you were talking about? I haven't been to New York in a couple of years." I explained. "Oh sure dear! It's a museum based off of the 'Newsboy strike of 1899' and 'The Manhattan Newsboy Lodging House Massacre'." The lady said. My eyes widened in shock. "BELLA! There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you! Thank you for finding my goddaughter." Stark said. Claire's eyes widened. "Oh my god! You're Tony Stark! I love you!" She said. "Hey, any chance Black Widow is around here anywhere?" Carter asked. I laughed. "Sorry kid, but no." Stark said. "Thank you once again." Stark said, before pulling me away. I felt very exposed now. My shirt barley covered my belly, and my shorts had half my butt hanging out. "Look about last night..." I started to say. "We were drunk. It was an accident that will stay buried forever." Stark said. I nodded. "You want to go to that museum don't you?" Stark asked. I nodded my head. "Come on. Change first." Stark said, throwing me a change of clothes.

I walked into the alley and snapped my fingers, my clothes changing instantly. I walked out, and faced Stark. "That was fast." He said. "It's what I do." I said. Stark and I walked to the museum. "There are many memories in this museum. Some good, some bad. I may start crying." I told Stark. "Just don't do anything stupid." Stark said. "Can't make any promises." I muttered. Stark smiled. Once we got there, I could feel the memories come rushing back. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Today we are here to step back in time, and explore the lives of the children that changed the world." The preppy tour guide said. "My name is Camryn, and I'll be your tour guide that knows way too much about this stuff." Camryn said. I laughed. And she thought she knew too much. "Staring in the living area. Here is where the boys spent most of their time when they weren't out selling or at the Vaudeville." Camryn said. "Wasn't there a newsgirl as well?" I asked. "Yes there was. She was one of the very few newsboys out there, but she comes later in our tour." Camryn said. She looked very familiar, I just couldn't place my finger on it. "Here is where the book was kept of who was sleeping in the Lodging House every night. The owner of the place, Kloppman died in this very spot, when Peter Higgins came and destroyed the group of boys." Camryn said. "He was 98 when he died." She added. We moved on to the dining room. "Here is where the boys ate three meals every year. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Birthdays. They only ate here if the nuns could afford to buy them a good meal, other than that, they ate whatever Luna could fix them." Camryn said.

"Moving up the stairs, we come to the bedroom." Camryn said, walking up the stairs that obviously had been renovated. The whole place had been renovated. "This room is where the boys slept, usually two boys per bunk." Camryn said. My eyes watered at the look of the room. I could still hear all the boys roughhousing in the morning, and I could still remember chasing Jack around the room cause he stole my pillow every morning. "In this first bunk we have the big man himself Jack Kelly then below him we have Racetrack Higgins. Next to them we have Alicia Trainor/ Luna Higgins, Blink Ballot/ Mush Meyers, Boots and Snipeshooter on the top/ Dutchy and Specs and the bottom, Skittery/ Tumbler, Jake/ Iety, Snitch, and Snoody on top/ Swifty and Bumlets on bottom, and lastly we have Pie-Eater/ Crutchy." Camryn said. "As you can see, Luna and Racetrack carved their names into the wall over here." Camryn said, pointing to Anthony and I's names. "It was a tradition for them. Every new place they went, they had to carve their names into something." Camryn said. "Now, if you'll follow me to the screening room, we have a few pictures for you of what their lives we like." Camryn said, walking into what was Alicia and I's changing room. "Now this was Alicia and Luna's changing room, and we do have a few of their things in here. This is one of Alicia's dresses from before she moved out to Texas. She wore this to every event the boys held in the dining room. This over here is one of Luna's Newsies outfits from one of the many seasonal clothes they had." Camryn said.

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