Eight and Eighteen: On Our Own

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So some of you guys have been mailing me to update this. If you find it confusing, don't worry because it'll all make sense in the next chapter or so! Oh and I'm almost done with the chapter of --abilities-- so yeah comment rate and fan it!!! and if you find mistakes then sorry i was tired today lol ---jordanpop678 =]]

Chapter: two

----------"Hello, you're Reece, right?"----------

I looked up and stared into those big gray eyes. "I-I-I um, well, yeah I am, hi", I stuttered. He smiled then said, "Could you show where room 506 is next period?" he asked. I didn't respond; I was mesmerized by the smile he had just shown.

"Hello," he asked. "Oh, I-um yeah sure, that's my next class anyways," I said blushing.

"That's great, we should sit next to each other; you're the only one I've met so far. I mean if you want to, of course." "Yeah sure," I smiled, "that'll be fine."

I looked away trying to let the conversation end before I embarrassed myself. "Ugh, Reece? Could you help me with this problem? I haven't been taught this in my old school." "Yeah sure, what problem are you on." He pointed to the problem and bit his eraser. I smiled then said, "Okay so, what does x equal?" "34." He answered. "So when 67 is multiplied by 34 it equals?" "Um 2258?" "Nope, make sure you carry the two." I said. "Oh, thanks, now I see what I was doing wrong, I think I can manage the rest by myself."

I grinned and looked at him trying to see his eyes again. I mumbled 'you're welcome' then continued with my algebra. When the bell rang, I stood up and watched Jamie pack his things. After a minute of packing, he realized that he was holding me up.

"Oh", he said, "I'm sorry, I'm just really messy." He stood up with his folders hanging out of his arms before I could tell him that he could take his time. I shrugged and walked out the door with Jamie behind me. I looked back just in time to see his books fall to the ground. "Shoot," he said under his breath. Shoot? I never though that I'd hear that from a highschooler.

Kneeling on the floor, I helped him pick up his things. We almost had everything picked up until the worst thing imaginable happened. We both reached for his last folder at the same time making his hand fall on mine. I looked up and saw those big gray eyes I think I now love. I've never had any experience with boys so I panicked.

Snatching mine hand from his, I ran it through my hair and stood. "Here are your books," I said handing him the ones I picked up. I waited until he had everything packed until I walked down the hall. I was just entering the classroom when I heard the intercom click on.

"Reese Tylher to the main office. Reese Tylher to the main office," the speaker boomed. I turned on my heels and saw Jamie frowning at me. "This is the room and don't worry, I'll be back." "Promise?" He asked. I pulled my eyebrows together and stared at him. Do I promise? Why would he ask me something like that? He barely knew me, but I'm supposed to promise him things? I pushed the thought away and said, "Yeah, I promise."

I walked in to the office to see my father sitting in a chair with my brother next to him. Stacey gave me that look I knew so very well. The look he puts on when he lies. I frowned at turned to my father. "Yeah, Dad?" I said casually as I was taught to do. He gave me a fake grin and said, "Doctors appointment." If possible, I felt my frown deepen; we were never taken to health appointments. He nodded to the front desk assistant and lightly grabbed my elbow. He led to the front of the school before adding pressure and dragging me behind him. I looked back to Stacey and saw his head down, watching his feet. Dad led me to the truck and pushed me against the side where the school cameras can't catch what happen. "I want you to get your ass in that truck and shut the hell up." I nodded even though I didn't understand what was happening. He shoved my shoulder hard, causing me to fall against the car. I didn't waste time getting in. I strapped my seatbelt in and gave Stacey a smile through the rearview mirror.

We drove for a half of an hour until we reached the side of Wallingburg Park, the woodsy side. He parked the car then went to my side and opened my door. I barely had time to unbuckle my seatbelt until he snatched me out. "Get your ass out, Sean." I looked back to Stacey as he jumped out of the car, trying to catch up with me.

'Dad' led us deep into the forest. If I wanted to run, I probably would end up lost. "Get your ass out over there," he said pushing me into a tree. Huge wouldn't slightly describe the size of the tree. And they say The General Sherman is big, it doesn't compare to this one. It had branches growing from the sides in my reach. He grabbed Stacey's hand and pushed into me. I became scared; was he going to kill us? He reached his hand into his pocket and walked towards us. He took my hand and cuffed it. I looked at him, confused; he cuffed the other half to Stacey hand. He reached back into his other pocket and pulled another out, attaching one to my hand and one to the tree. I was frozen in fear. Looking me in the eyes, he grinned viciously and left. Yeah, he just left us there. Alone in the forest. Nothing to eat. And to fend for ourselves. I saw Stacey's shoulders shake in my peripheral vision. I pulled on the cuff, making him fall into my body and leaned my head on his shoulders. He started crying outwardly. "Its okay, Stacey, everything will be alright," I said trying to cheer him up even though I knew we had no way of surviving. "Why'd he leave us here, Reese? Why doesn't he care?" Stacey wailed into my chest. "I don't know why he left us Stacey, and it doesn't matter if he cares or not; we have each other." I felt him nod his head. "I wish Mom were here." "Me too, Stacey, me too." I held him to me for ages then changed my stance in a way where he could sit and rest against the tree. I should have been thinking about a way of getting out, but I couldn't. My mind was on one thought, my promise. The one I had broken.

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